Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Bonnie I got it bound!

I got my row by row quilt binding on!!!! Just have to hand sew it down now! It is beginning to be a REAL Quilt!

9 comments from wonderful readers:

Patti said...

Really looks great Dawn!

Debra Dee said...

Congratulations on being done done!

dot said...

Looks very nice

Patty said...

Hi Dawn,
That is beautiful ! Looks like it was a lot of work.

Anonymous said...

congrats, congrats and applause. Great job!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this quilt - you did a fantastic job! :-)

Tonya Ricucci said...

Pat on the back, good job, hurrah!

Passionate Quilter said...

great job! I love the quilt and what a satisfying feeling to get that far!

Holly said...

I love it, Dawn. I want to make a row quilt like this. You've made it very appealing.