Tuesday, May 30, 2006

A couple questions....

I wanted to answer a couple of questions before I get caught up in catching up at work today!

Shannon wanted to know what the pattern was for the thread case. It is a pattern ByAnnie. Here is the link to the pattern called Thread Dispenser/Sewing Case. She also has some other fun cases and wall thread organizer patterns. I want to make them all! - but that ain't going to happen!

Tracey also wanted to know where I got the Ultra Suede. Well believe it or not I found it at JoAnn Fabrics! Of course I had heard they had it, but doubted it. And then when I went in and asked the lady behind the cutting counter she looked at me blankly. Well I wandered around and on the remant table found a piece of suede like fabric in this UGLY color. So I took that back to her and asked - where would I find fabric like this. Well she vaugley pointed in the direction of the decorator fabrics. Well can you believe it - I found it! It is on the big rolls they have and had about 5 or 6 lovely colors. They also had another kind with a plasticy back, but there was also this other kind that was wonderful. They didn't call it ultra suede - but it was some kind of something suede, and it worked great. It was about $40 per yard, but for 1/4 yard I got plenty to make a bunch of cases for gifts! Of course when I was at Paducah there was this awesome booth in the mall that had 9" x 12" pieces of ultra suede in any color you could imagine - but do you think I can find the sheet of paper I took from them to order it - noooo.

But just in case you can't find some, Annie from the pattern also has a link to where you can purchase online the ultra suede, zippers and more. So here are some more sources.

OK - back to catching up from a 4 day weekend for me!

2 comments from wonderful readers:

Darcie said... 1

Sweet applique bags, Dawn! What a cool concept. 'Course...I don't know much about applique anyway...so everything intrigues me! Someday....

Hope you're able to catch your breath after all of your recent events.

Shannon said... 2

Thanks so much for the link, Dawn! I'll go check it out!