Monday, August 07, 2006

Thank Goodness for Friends!

My best friend happened to read my post from Friday (that she even had time to look at it is amazing, she has her hands full right now with some parent health problems). So while I was out shopping Sunday I get a phone call. She just happens to have a set of almost never used pots and pans - do I want them for Adam and Holly's apartment! YES!!!! I had been dragging my feet on that one. Even the cheap pans are expensive. Heck she brought them over Sunday night before she left for Florida again to take care of her parents and hello, I think they are nicer than my pots and pans! I was so, so, thankful! Especially after shopping all day Thursday with Adam, Saturday with Holly and then Sunday with Jenna and Emily. And tucked away in the box was also a new toaster! So guess what! The toaster I bought (still in the box) is going back to the store! Wooo Hooo!!!!

In a similar vein, my husband has been cranky, cranky, cranky over 2 out of state tuitions, apartment rent, and the general back to school costs! And then about a week or two ago he promised Holly and Adam a car that they could take down to school to use for grocery shopping and getting to campus (their apartment is off campus). But he did not promise them what kind of car, how old or what it would look like. So all weekend long I listened to him complain about buying a car. I was miserable. So today at about 11:30am I get a call from him. "He is test driving a car for them." He wants to know if silver is ok for color, with a grey inerior. I told him what difference does it make to me - Holly will be driving it. So then he springs - "Well Holly says it is ok, I may buy it, but will probably wait another day or 2" (Just so you don't think he is impulsive, he has been thinking about this car for weeks, just never went to look at it in person or drive it). Well guess what, I come home from work tonight and here sits a new car (well new to us). Geez. That darn car is way nicer than my car! It is a 2005 Taurus with only about 20,000 miles. My car is a '98 and 120,000 miles. I tried to take the car and give the kids the van, but no go! Humpgh!

I told Finn I would dig out this picture from our guilds program this month - "Hats off to Quilting". Her Red, cream and black quilt reminded me of these two. The other pictures are also from the show since I've been way too busy to sew anything myself! :) Aren't they great quilts! Kay and Kay from the quilt retreat I went to a few weeks ago do this program and it is so funny! And they have such fun quilts to show and tell!

10 comments from wonderful readers:

Libby said...

Your guild looks like oodles of fun. And the quilts are beauties, too. Getting kids out into the world can be a challenge, but it's so very satisfying when you see them begin to fly on their own. Hang in there.

Laura said...

Great pictures from the guild!!!

And wow, sounds like a great car, lucky Adam and Holly!

McIrish Annie said...

love the quilts.... adam and holly are lucky!! that car sounds like a winner.

Finn said...

The quilt pictures are great Dawn!! And yes, that one looks quite similar..and I like the brown in it..*VBS* Thanks for posting those!
Sorry about the car REALLY should have the better car...honest! What is he thinking???? Hugs for DH's who do strange things, Finn

The Calico Cat said...

Thanks for the quilt show! (What luck on getting nice pots & pans & a toaster!)

Darcie said... about starting school costs. I nearly need to take a small loan out just to get my 3 started! And I don't even have any college kids yet. Sheesh!

Great quilt show...what a fun bunch!

Lily Mulholland said...

Dawn no fair on the car or the pots and pans!!!! Your turn to be cranky :)

Love those hats off to quilting hats!!

The last quilt is very sweet.

Tonya Ricucci said...

Great bunch of quilts - gotta say I love those chickens. A friend of mine has a flamingo hat just like that one...

quiltpixie said...

so glad itsall working out for you...

Anonymous said...

I love all the pictures the program looks like a lot of fun...I bet your hubby is thinking if he gets them a reliable vehicle, you guys won't have to worry so much about them...but I'm with you I would try to give them the mini van too...It's nice seeing you post I check in on you daily....Huggles Tina