Sunday, March 11, 2007

I haven't fallen off....

I haven't fallen off the face of the earth, but I sure am busy! I can't tell if I"m flying above the earth or dragging deep down in it! Things are just keeping me hopping. Above is my wool pincushion I finished. Got the sand in it and sewn shut! When I posted a picture of just the top someone mentioned they stuff theirs with fluff. Well I love the pincusions filled with sand. But this isn't normal sand. I use the really small fine decorator sand or sand for sand art. You can find it at Michaels and probably Hobby Lobby or JoAnns.

I also got my binding ripped off my quilt Darci quilted and got new binding on it! I decided to go with one of my favorite orangy red plaids and put it on. I like it much better.

And I FINALLY got one! I got a post card from Darcie! I can't belive these really go through the mail! It even has the postmark on it! Now is that cool or what! Course this one has her gorgeous quilting on it.

Last but not least my friend who owns a long-arm let me play on it yesterday. So I quilted 2 quilts for charity. The first I followed a pantogram of swirls. Don't look too close! But it sure was fun! And then the second was just a little quilt, maybe 40" x 40" so I did free hand all over it. Yes not show quality, but once again really fun to to play. I don't know how Bonnie or Darcie do it!

Wheh, can you tell I'm just a bit busy! And Tuesday child #3 turns 18. I"ve got a surprise dinner planned for her and 6 friends at a Japanese restaurant where they cook at your table - it is right down her line! So I'll be busy again for a bit this week.

17 comments from wonderful readers:

Leah Spencer said... 1

Oooh! I'm a smidgen bit jealous. ;) Every year at the quilt show there's a HQ16 that I will play on... and it just reinforces my desire to have a long arm machine... someday! Priority-wise, I gotta buy a house first so I have ROOM for one. :)

Libby said... 2

Wow - that's a lot of things allin one week! Your SOS looks great with the new binding - a lot of work to r&r the other, but you'll enjoy it so much more now that you did. Your pincushion is darling. Do you make an insert to hold the sand inside the wool or will it not drift out? So many cute things - off the computer and back to work for me *s*

Elaine Adair said... 3

You always have great photos on your blog, but, that string star is my favorite! Clever.

Angie said... 4

Your 'Darcie' quilt is just beautiful, Dawn! I think you did a great job on the long-arm. And I love that string star! Great job!

KC Quilter said... 5

Wow, what an adorable prim pincushion. I like to use sand for filler too. I buy the pretty white sand at a swimming pool place a few miles away. And your Darcie-quilted quilt is amazing. But then, all your work is amazing!!! Don't work too hard this week and have fun at the Japanese restaurant---yummy!

The Calico Cat said... 6

I love the onion volcano's that they make in those restaurants... (I had a horrid experience in one once - the chef was vulgar & completely forgot about my GF...)

McIrish Annie said... 7

love the stringed star on the black. what is that for?? love it!

Nancy Near Philadelphia said... 8

Thank pincushion is the cutest thing ever. And Sunshine/Shoulders is GORGEOUS.

Unknown said... 9

Great string star with a nice quilting. The Darcie quilt has turned out very nicely with the new binding. I am sure you won´t regret having had to redo it. Thake care and have fun at the japanese restaurant.

Carole said... 10

That is a cute pin cushion. What a neat gift that would make. What a beautiful quilt too! Love those colours! Nice that you have a change to use a long arm. Happy quilting!

Wendy said... 11

Oh...what a sweet pincushion. The quilt looks gorgeous too. Busy...Busy...Busy
Happy quilting.

Unknown said... 12

Very beautiful your work´s .The pincushion is lovely . Your quilt is amazing . Thank´s for show your work . Greatings from Chile .Have a nice day ... Vero

Darcie said... 13

Looks like you've had lots of fun longarming, Dawn!!! Anything that you do, you do it well!

So glad that you're enjoying your Sunshine quilt. It would have fit in quite nicely around here, you know! ;-)

I'm not so you sleep? You accomplish more in one week than some do in a year!!!

Darcie said... 14
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cher said... 15

I like that new binding better too Dawn-well worth all that extra effort! and of course Darcie's postcard is to die for. Japanese will be such fun for all of you!

sewprimitive karen said... 16

Darcie's postcard is wonderful, LOVE the simplicity and gorgeous quilting. Oh it's pretty.

YankeeQuilter said... 17

After reading your post there is no question in my mind why you are tired! Great photos. Like the new binding.