Saturday, April 07, 2007

Just a quick post

Just a quick post. I took the girls to the Cubs-Brewers game Friday night up in Milwaukee, we had a wonderful time. I had to snap a picture of across the way since my brother and sister in law were sitting a few rows back behind the dugout!

Today I went to my friends house, along with another friend and we played all day. Ate chocolate, had chinese, sewed string blocks and played on the long arm. I'll show you my play long-arm quilt after I get the binding on.

I also finished a swap block I needed to get done. Didn't turn out too bad since this is the smallest feathered star I ever made. It will be 10" finished size.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter tomorrow.

13 comments from wonderful readers:

Sew Create It - Jane said... 1
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Sew Create It - Jane said... 2

ooh I like your feathered star! Great fresh! I sure miss going to baseball games (used to see the Montreal Expos) Apparently cricket over here is supposed to be similar though I can't see how! :o)
(Sorry that was me that deleted my comment...didn't read right...must be the lack of coffee!)

YankeeQuilter said... 3

Ahh baseball...I was just online checking out how the Red Sox were doing (they lost to the Rangers:(

Your feathered star is amazing. Such perfect points!

Sweet P said... 4

How cold was it during the game? I love baseball, but not I would go to a night game in April unless I was somewhere watm.

I love the ice cream sundae in the middle of your Feathered Star block. Very cute.

Happy Easter to you as well.

Melanie said... 5

Sounds like a great weekend. Enjoy.

Libby said... 6

Love your feathered star . . . reminds me I need to finish mine.
Happy Easter to you and your family *s*

Unknown said... 7

A feathered star is still on my list of "to be made". Yours is splendid especially with the novelty print in the middle, very well chosen. The pictures of your way home were very interesting. Thank you for sharing. Take care.

Anne Ida said... 8

Your feathered star is really cute! I love looking at this type of star, but am pushing forwards the atempt of making one - scared :o)

Happy Easter!

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said... 9

Enjoyed your road trip home, but this country girl would only want to do it once..and mainly to see the pyramid.
A happy Easter to you as well. Tracey

atet said... 10

Ok, now I KNOW you are brave -- suburban traffic and a Cubs game when the weather has been, well, brisk is a term. I've been saying other, less polite things about the cold weather -- but brisk will work.

Love the feathered star and can't wait to see your play on the longarm quilt.

meggie said... 11

I love that feathered star! Envy envy! Love the novelty print & the wonderful green.

Lucy said... 12

Test ....

it is coming so close that w'll meet each other :-))

Wendy said... 13

The feathered star is wonderful. I know how difficult they are to make. Only done one in the past.