Monday, April 30, 2007

Treasures from Paducah...

I brought home so many treasures! Most of them gifts from Lucy and Laura! How could a girl not be in heaven! First off I got an antique klopf-klopf (actually I can't remember exactly how to say it - Lucy has to email me the info yet on it) from Lucy. This is an antique collar the Dutch women would wear. It is as stiff as cardboard, but it is only fabric starched so much it is like a board! I made Lucy put it on for a picture, she is a much more lovely model than me!

The front you can see where the woman who made it pieced the fabric. The piecing was done in front where a big fancy bow covers it up. If you look closely you can see where it was pieced. This fabric is over 100 years old Lucy said! Now is that a treasure or what!

She also brought me these delicious cookies that are really think waffles and in the center a carmely syrup. And a dutch tea towel, and fabric. The small bundle of fabric is an example of fabric used for a man's shirt (the blue stripe) and sheet fabric that would go on a bed that folds up in a wall. Lucy is going to have to help me remember all these details.

Laura got me this wonderful cake plate! I just love the polka dots! And what a good memory for me since she loves dishes, so it is the perfect gift from her. And look at the cute foot - even that is painted and decorated!

She also had to get me a funny alien glow in the dark sucker! Sorry Tonya, it's not for you!

Then last but not least is my find at a craft and junk store on the drive down. We stopped for a stretch at a mall along the way down and I found this antique sewing basket! I forgot to ask Linda what time period these were made and used, but she did think it was old and I got it for a fair price. And since Chloe keeps chewing up my threads I now have a place to put them!

13 comments from wonderful readers:

Tazzie said... 1

What lovely gifts, and with such lovely memories attached. I love the sewing basket, it's super nice.

The Calico Cat said... 2

Those Dutch waffles sound liek stroopwaffles - they have some at Whole Foods locally - not nearly as good as the fresh one you can get in the Netherlands.

YankeeQuilter said... 3

What neat finds! That certainly does look like a Tonya alien!

Tracey in CT said... 4

Thanks for sharing your treasures. I'd be interested to hear about your sewing pail. I have one very much like that, except that mine doesn't have any legs. I know that it came from my great-aunt who would have been 99 this year. I remember her always having her sewing things in that wood pail, but I don't know anything about how old it was. I have a feeling it might have been farm related because she grew up on a farm.

Libby said... 5

Such treasures - I just can't imagine what fun you all had. The Princess brought some of the stroopwaffels when she came from Germany. I have a permanent request that they come in every package from now on *yummy*

Leslie said... 6

Great friends, great memories, great tangibles of those times together, FUN! I was zooming in on the photos of the cake plate 'cause I wanted to see the quilt under. Is that somewhere on your blog?? I wanna know more about it! :D

Unknown said... 7

That Dutch collar reminded me of a talk we had at our quilt group a while ago by Ineke Berlin - she's a Dutch quilter who lives in the UK with her English husband - she brought lots of traditional Dutch costume and got dressed up in it including those collars - she did show us her beautiful quilts too

ForestJane said... 8

Wow, lot of neat stuff, lots of fun you guys had! One of these days, I want to make it to Paducah. You make me jealous!

Tonya Ricucci said... 9

drat. And I'm even wearing my alien t-shirt from Roswell, NM. Great treasures there. I love those waffle cookies too.

Wendy said... 10

What wonderful treasures you have. Looks like fun was had by all. The sewing basket is a great find.

Unknown said... 11

You all looked like you were having great fun. Sweet memories to cherish. Your brought back great presents as well, lucky you. Take care.

Darcie said... 12

What an adventure!!! With so many memories to hold in your hands, as well as your heart! Thanks for sharing, Dawn!

The five of you took a terrific picture together!

sewprimitive karen said... 13

Wonderful snapshots and goodies. Great sewing basket, I just love those things. Also just love the antique fabric in the collar...and your Paducah finds. Paducah!! Will I ever make it there??