Friday, July 20, 2007

Its that busy time of year!

Yes it is that busy time of year. Summer picnics and parties. Kids camps and activities. Getting kids ready for college in the fall. And the county fair!

So besides having all of that to do, plus an extremely busy work load right now (as you can tell by my lack of quilting and blogging), I entered 3 quilts into the Midwest Folk & Fiber Art Festival. Two were juried in! This is the first year for the festival so I had no idea what to expect or what they were looking for in a quilt. The art show part is in the old Dole mansion on Crystal Lake (top picture). Isn't it wonderful. They slowly are trying to repair and renovate it, but it is wonderful anyway. Then outside they have all kinds of fiber vendors. I saw some really "way out" things - and thought of Tonya with some of them! Anyway, the quilts above are my two quilts in the art gallery.

The gallery had all kinds of fiber and folk arts. I took some pictures of just a few of them. The most intricate and wonderful I thought was the swan mask that was bobbin laced. Can you imagine spending 159 hours on just that small thing! But it was beautiful. I just couldn't get a good picture. And I loved the flamingo quilt with the scissors!

Then to top everything off, my oldest turned 21 yesterday! She came home today to spend the weekend with the family. We have several family picnics (cousins, etc - not just "us") this weekend.

Happy Birthday Holly. I can't believe my first baby is 21!

OK, so all my cute pictures of her growing up are on my other computer. Oh well, I'll share them next week.

10 comments from wonderful readers:

Tonya Ricucci said... 1

Woohoo, congrats on your jurification!

Lily Mulholland said... 2

Big congrats Dawn on having two of your quilts included!!!!!

And happy birthday to Holly :)

~Bren~ said... 3

Great quilts! What a feeling. Happy Birthday Holly! Love your new header!

atet said... 4

Congrats on the quilts -- they are wonderful! And double congrats on your "baby" being 21! Happy birthing day to you as well!

Diane said... 5

You must be so excited to have your work in a juried show! The gallery space is awesome and it looks like your beautiful quilts had some good company.

Lucy said... 6

Congratulatiosn with your work in the show!! I love them both. I understand why they pick them out ;-)

Libby said... 7

Congrats on your show - I hope you had a wonderful time. I'm sure everyone just loved your quilts . . . I know I do *s*
Happy Birthday to your baby - where does the time go?

meggie said... 8

Happy 21st to Holly!
And Congratulations on your quilts!
And I love your new site setup. Wish I knew how to renovate so nicely! sob!just wish i knew how to renovate!

Laurie Ann said... 9

Dawn - Good job getting those quilts into the show. They are lovely! Thanks for sharing the bird one. Too funny!

Judy said... 10

Congrats on getting 2 quilts in the show!! Whoo hoo!