Friday, August 31, 2007

Playtime Fun and Project 3!

I needed to make a red/white/blue star for quilt camp. I started thinking - what should I make? And then I remember I just bought last week a book called Stars by Magic by Nancy Johnson-Srebro because of a post Kathie made about seeing it at a quilt show. It intrigued me, so I ordered it, and once I got it I was so excited. You can make 8 pointed stars without set-in or Y seams! And the points turn out so nicely! And I couldn't believe there are patterns for like 30 different stars in it! As you can see the one I made last night without even trying turned out wonderful! And that was on a whim at midnight when I was tired! I was just going to cut the fabric but then was too anxious to see it done! So I didn't try to hard to match things up and it still looks good! Can you imagine how it would look if I tried!

Yup, I"m going to make more!

And I also finished packaging up project #3! Can't even tell you what this one will be because it is a mystery Laura is doing for camp!

10 comments from wonderful readers:

Nicole said...

That is a gorgeous star block Dawn!

Darlene said...

Love the star block!

And, your labels on your ziplock bags are cute.

Gypsy Quilter said...

Your star sure came out great. Very inspiring!

Anonymous said...

Cool! Talk about telepathy--I just emailed a friend and asked her about this book. We supposedly ordered them from a shop at that show but have never heard a word as to whether we'll actually get them. Now I'm more anxious than ever to get my hands on this book.

Unknown said...

Yes that is a beautiful star you made. Mystery, mystery LOL

Texan said...

No set in seams in that star block, I think I read that right... very nice!!! Will have to look at that book!

Mar said...

oooo I have that book, the star is beautiful, and look how organized your little labled packages are!!

Julia said...

I love 8 pointed stars, but I am scared of them. Your block from this book has me so excited!!!!!! In fact I went to Amazon and ordered it before leaving this comment. Thanks so much for the info and the review. By the way, your quilt camp sounds like a blast!!!!!

Libby said...

*argh* Now there's something new I wanna try . . . 8 pointed stars with no Y-seams!

Laura said...

Trying to outdo us all again! And here I was thinking of doing a simple friendship star.