Monday, September 03, 2007

Until next week...

I"m off for Quilt Camp with Laura and Linda! Can't wait! So you won't be seeing me around blog land until next week sometime when I catch up with everything from being gone. In the meantime I leave you with this applique I"m working on. I won't tell you what it goes to, I'll be working on it when I get back so you'll see it then!

Oh and a pic of the Nativity Quilt I finished quilting this weekend! One down, 4 more to go!

8 comments from wonderful readers:

Darlene said...

Have fun and sew like the wind!

Cute applique projects.

Lucy said...

Have fun together! I LOVE your applique. wonderful fabrics. and aaarhh a finished quilt. I have a mini top maybe I should finish that first . It is always a thrill to tell that something is finihsed :-)

Unknown said...

Have a briliant time and take lots of photos to share with us when you return

Libby said...

Have a terrific time . . . can't wait to see all you accomplish this week at camp *s*

Anonymous said...

Have a great time. Wish it were me going on a quilting trip...

Unknown said...

I hope all the mysteries will be over when you return :) Have a great time.

atet said...

Hope you had a fantastic time at "camp". All of the projects you've been showing are fantastic -- can't wait to see what some concentrated sewing time brings!

Carole said...

Have a great time at camp! Don't forget to tell us all about it!