Tuesday, October 02, 2007

One Boo-tiful Boo-quet done!

I got the gift Boo-tiful Boo-quet done! And I'll have it on its way to its owner this weekend! I'm happy with how it turned out! The weekend was spent quilting this and getting it DONE!

And in some of the white places I quilted with glow in the dark thread so that when she turns out the lights it will glow! How fun is that!

16 comments from wonderful readers:

Tonya Ricucci said...

wheee, halloween fun. I've got that border fabric too - I couldn't resist it last year.

Doodlebug Gail said...

Cute! Love all the little applique cutouts and what a great idea to use glow-in-the-dark thread. Won't she be surprised!

Melanie said...

Funky Quilt!!! Tons of imagination! I never used glow in the dark thread. Too clever!!!...

Unknown said...

I didn't even know you could buy glow in the dark thread - what fun for this quilt I'm sure the recipient will be delighted!

Unknown said...

I also use branches like you do. Bootiful work.

Anonymous said...

Je l'aime BOO-coup !

Hugs & Smiles !

Carole said...

Looks sweet! I love Glow in the dark thread! Thanks for sharing!

Wendy said...

I love anything halloween, what a fun looking quilt. Great touch with the glow in the dark thread.

Lucy said...

Never hear about glow in the dark thread !!THat's fun !! You did a great job with this. It is a great gift!

MARCIE said...

Cute, cute cute! Someone is in for a treat!

meggie said...


KC Quilter said...

So so cute, Dawn!!!

Anonymous said...

It's absolutely wonderful! Love the border fabric.

Patti said...

A perfect name for a perfect quilt! Lucky person who is getting this as a gift. This is so unlike your usual quilt - but still so like you. I know - that doesn't really make sense - hope you know what I mean.

atet said...

Ok, I am really loving all of these booquets out there! What fun!

Libby said...

Boo-tiful for sure - I love it *s*