Friday, February 15, 2008

I"m back from Green Bay

I've been gone for a few days to Green Bay for a work trip. I"m back and hoping to get back to some projects! While there I stayed at a hotel right next to Lambeau Field.

And look at the quilt hanging in the hotel! That was a fun surprise.

And Melanie from Covered Porches and Wooden Screen Doors told me about a shop she heard about in Green Bay that was suppose to have Reproduction and Folk Art Fabrics. Baby - did they ever! It was wonderful! And right by the hotel and our office! (OK Mark - I know your reading this - yes I did spend some money). Next time your in Green Bay you have to stop at Quilters Connection. They had all of Carol Hopkins patterns, tons of other fun reproduction type patterns, tons of fun folk art/primitive type patterns and even tons of other fun patterns and kits! I even got the most adorable baby quilt kit - I'll show that tomorrow - I have 4 baby quilts to make this spring, so it wasn't hard to purchase that! Oh and TONS of reproduction fabrics - I was in heaven! Oh yeah, and wool and stitchery type stuff.

Oh and one last tease. Post #500 is coming up in the semi-near future. I bought a bunch of fun things for a give-away there! So keep watching!

17 comments from wonderful readers:

Laura said... 1

Glad you got back safely! Wow what a neat shop, lucky you. I can't wait for your giveaways!!!!

Gypsy Quilter said... 2

I cannot wait to see what treasures you discovered. Glad you are home safely and feeling better.

Melanie said... 3

I can't wait to go now!!! great snapshots... Glad you beat the storm home....

Anonymous said... 4

Wow, you came up to my neck of the woods. I still haven't visited that shop, as Melanie just told me about it too. Next month I plan to make my way there. It sounds wonderful! Glad you had a great time!

Darcie said... 5

What a store!!! Look at all of that space. (I dare not show my sister...she'd scream for that kind of space.)

Enjoy your weekend, Dawn!

Lea said... 6

OMG, you were in the heaven! Sounds like a really great store. Can't wait to see what did you purchased at the shop. :-)

Darlene said... 7

OMG, what a fabulous store. I want to go shopping there - will you go with me? teehee!

Post #500?????? Wowzer!!!!!!!!!

Chookyblue...... said... 8

what a great store.........

Gypsy Quilter said... 9
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lea said... 10

Hey, Dawn, It's me again. :-)
I tagged you on my blog. If you have time.
Have a wonderful President's day!

YankeeQuilter said... 11

Isn't it great to find a new shop like that! Sounds wonderful. Can't wait to see what you got (shopping vicariously!)

Judy said... 12

Cool store, glad for the safe trip! Boy is that quilt fading in the sunshine. But still impressive!

Red Geranium Cottage said... 13

What a great quilt shop and did you say 500??? And I thought I talked alot. LOL!!!

*karendianne. said... 14

Wowie Zowie how fun is this! All of it. The quilt in the hotel, too? How does that happen?! Cosmic. ;)

What a neat shop, too.

Happy for you.

Serious Shop Hopper Love, *karendianne.

Wendy said... 15

Awesome store! It looks like I could do a bit of damage there as well. Thanks for the fantastic pictures, I'm off to click on the store line...wahoo...

Libby said... 16

Oh by - that looks like a quilt shop where I could do some damage *s* How fun to stay in a hotel that hangs quilts . . . that's the kind of place that probably deserves a return visit.

Jeanne said... 17

Oh, that quilt shop looks wonderful! DD lives in West Bend, so maybe I'll get a chance to visit it when I visit her. You sure made some great buys, too.