Friday, December 05, 2008

Fabric Baskets!

I"ve been wanting to try and make these for a long time, but never had time or would forget about them. I was trying to think of something fun to put some Christmas gifts in and remembered these baskets. I"m so glad I tried to make them! In 2 evenings I had these 6 done! Aren't they adorable!

You can get the pattern here: Fabric Baskets Tutorial

20 comments from wonderful readers:

Amy said...

very nice looking baskets,, is my gift going in one?(lol),, thank you for sharing. have a great weekend

Ann said...

I love these! Thanks for sharing!

Jan said...

Finally I get to comment. These are really neat. A lot like the bag you made me for camp. You inspire me all the time.

Anonymous said...

Very cute!! I love those little baskets.

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

These are TOO CUTE for words!!!


Diane said...

Man, you are on a gift making frenzy! These baskets are great! What lucky family and friends you have.

Lea said...

Those baskets are wonderful. Very cute! I might want to make one for me. :-)

Unknown said...

Yes they are adorable.

Carol said...

I LOVE those fabric baskets...I still haven't tried making any...must get on that!

Gina said...

they are great aren't they. I'm going to make a few and put some toiletries in them.

Love and hugs Gina xxx

Judy said...

Very good work Dawn!!

Tracey in CT said...

Very nice, they will be great gifts! I have made a couple of these and they are such fun and so easy!

Cornfield Quilter said...


julieQ said...

I absolutely love making these baskets. Yours so so cute!

Red Geranium Cottage said...

Love the adorable doll!!!! And great job on the baskets.

Darlene said...

Your baskets are adorable, Dawn. They are fun to make, aren't they? And quick, too.

Shelina said...

These baskets are great! I made one today, then came to look at blogs, and saw a comment you made saying you made one, so I came over to see yours. I'll be posting a photo of mine sometime this week. That was very smart of you to make several at a time. What are you going to use them for?

ayumills said...

These are AWESOME!!!!!!

YankeeQuilter said...

What a great job...I printed out the tutorial to make one with my niece this Christmas.

*karendianne. said...

Oh my gosh these are so cute and I love seeing so many in one photo. That's a real treat and really makes a girl want to try one. Thank you for sharing this.