Monday, December 01, 2008

A forgotten finish

Things have been so busy for me I totally forgot to share a finish for me about a month ago. I made this top about a year ago, but I never got it quilted. I just couldn't figure out how I wanted it quilted. Finally at the end of October I just figured - quilt it. So I did a small stipple all over. I"ve seen this done on large quilts that the Country Sampler shop has at shows and it makes it look old and crinkly. I really liked the look even though normally I"m not big on stippling. I made this using Bonnie's Leader/Ender method. And had it done in time to show Bonnie when she visited our guild last month.

Yesterday I got my xmas quilt hung up that my friend in Australia made for me a few years ago - isn't it wonderful!

And I finally got sick and tired of my family throwing candy wrappers, sucker sticks and juice boxes in my thread catcher. So I made a sign to pin it it!!!! Desperate times make for desperate measures!

21 comments from wonderful readers:

Paula said...

I have that pattern sitting on shelf and I've been wanting to make it for years. Seeing yours makes me want to kick myself for not doing it!! It's wonderful!!!

Judy said...

Great finish Dawn! Juice boxes??? I'd kill them too. My big trash can in the sewing room gets no garbage either, but it's only me and hubby so it's easier!

antique quilter said...

oh thats adorable
I have wanted to make this too, one of these days...
this cracked me up cause they bring their glasses or plates that need to go downstairs and some how they wind up on my sewing ro cutting table.
I finally started bring them back into their rooms and leaving it on their desks to let them bring it to the kitchen!

Jan said...

Fantastic finish. Love that. I really need to try that leader/ender method. Your Xmas quilt is you. Love your note!

Deb said...

LOL. thank goodness my sewing room is a do not enter.. only at your own risk...people will wait at the entrance way to be invited in... I hope your sign works..
Love your bear quilt and also our check quilt... amazing work.. keep on posting girl.. love your ideas

Cornfield Quilter said...

Love the little quilt! You and Lucy have inspired me to try a little quilt, just hope it will look as good as yours. :D

Darcie said...

Just look at you two rockstars up there on stage! How cool!

Love the finish! It's darling.

LOVE the sign! lol Trying to shorten your Christmas list, are you?!? ;-)

Lea said...

I LOVE this little quilt! What a beauty!
You did wonderful stipple quilting. It add very whimsy touch that I love. :-)

Amy said...

I love both quilts. don't ya just love leader enders? Thank you for sharing,

Shelina said...

Your leaders and enders quilt is adorable. Another one to add to the list of quilts to make.

Material Mary said...

Great quilt. Love that pattern. The stipple looks really good too.

meggie said...

Lovely leader/ender project! It is wonderful.
Love the quilt your Aussie friend sent you.
Hope the family heeds the warning!

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

What fun to pop to your page and see us together! FUN MEMORIES! Let's go for chinese food again :c)


Carole said...

Cute quilt! You know, the garbage issue would have me running around the house like a nut case! lol Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Lovely nine patch quilt Dawn - very inspiring - my Sarah looked at it and said 'Mmmm I like that Mum - very Victorian looking'. I have a biggish length of a cream on sand that would maybe be big enough for the background where you've used cream - might have to have a play with it. Thanks for sharing and for the inspiration as always

Kim said...

beautiful fiinish
your baskets are cute too

Karen said...

The Christmas quilt is cute, cute, cute!

Red Geranium Cottage said...

What a nice quilt your friend made you. It's wonderful. And I love your little quilt too.

*karendianne. said...

Oh you should be so proud of your "forgotten finish." Its adorable and your stippling is fantastic. Good job!

Wendy said...

That quilt is adorable, it's been on my "to do" list for a long time. I love stippling and yours looks awesome. Good you made that sign, I would be doing the same.

Hanne said...

What a lovely Leaders Enders project !!
I should try to work that habit in to my sewing too - old habits die hard :-)