Sunday, February 20, 2011

Getting ready for my trip...

Decided I wanted a little wallet for my trip coming up, and saw Melly & Me's pattern Sunshine and decided that wallet looked just like what I needed. So I made these up. I made the first one in 30's fabric and forgot to take a picture. Each time I made one I tweaked the pattern a bit for things I liked.

Until I decided to try and use a purse magnet instead of velcro. Didn't work. It was just too heavy and pulled too much on the fabric, even though I had used several layers of interfacing. So today I cut out the magnet and just sewed velcro over the hole!

A few of you have sent me notes wondering where I've been. Things are a bit hard right now. Work is extremely busy and stressful and my mom is not doing well so my sister and I have been busy trying to figure out what kind of help we can get for her. Mostl likely I"ll be tied up in the coming weeks. When I have so much on my mind I just have no desire to blog. I'm just a bit overwhelmed at the moment. But just know I"m ok.

17 comments from wonderful readers:

regan said... 1

These wallets are wonderful! Well done!

Hope all goes well with your's always difficult when decisions had to be made hard and fast....a blessing you have a sister to help figure it all out.

Vivian said... 2

Do what you need to do. Go where you need to go. Concentrate on the important things in life, and blogging is NOT one of the most important. Blogging is for when we're relaxed and life is not getting in the way.

Take care. We wish the best for you and yours, and we'll be here when your life has settled down.

Loris said... 3

Your wallet looks great! Nice work. Hope all improves with your mom's needs. It's hard to know the best things to do sometimes but it is great you and your sister are there for her. Take care.

Janet said... 4

The wallets are great, I like that you do prototypes like me, lol. I hope everything goes smoothly for you in the nest while, you'll be so ready for the holiday.

Carol said... 5

Cute, cute wallets...hope things settle down for you and that you and your sister are able to find a good solution for your mom...take care!

Pat said... 6

These are really neat wallets. I am looking for a lighter weight wallet and will check out this pattern. Sorry to hear about your mother and hope everything works out for you. We will see you soon.

Anonymous said... 7

Neat wallet, would make great gifts during the holidays, I ought to start on projects like that now so come December I would have some for my family and so on.
Take care. :)

Libby said... 8

Well, who wouldn't want to start on a trip with a darling new wallet?

Hope things soon settle down for you. Remember to take a breather every now and again . . . it's the only way to get through the days sometimes *S*

Lori said... 9

I'm sorry about the extra stuff going on with your mom. It's always hard and usually expensive to figure out a good alternative.

I adore the wallets!! The fabric is so cute too!!

Mary said... 10

I understand the feeling. I have that with my Father. He lives in an assisted living community, but "demands" a lot of my time. You do what you can. Keep your chin up and know you are being thought about.

Mary said... 11

Plus, the wallets are darling. You do have to see what works best. Have fun.

Jan said... 12

Sorry about your Mom. Understand completely your mind set right now. Thinking of you.

fiberobsession said... 13

I'm glad to hear you are ok. I'd been wondering as well. It is hard when our Moms and Dads get old and need care. Have a wonderful time on your trip. I'm so jealous.

antique quilter said... 14

well I just love that last wallet, we may need to figure out a trade here!
I am so excited for you and your trip I know its been a dream of yours, nice to know our dreams do come true!

Barb said... 15

your wallet looks great. Have a great trip

tich said... 16

The wallets look great! Enjoy your holiday and relax!

Wendy said... 17

I do the same thing sometimes, make something new for a trip. Those wallets are so fun.

I hope all goes well for you, take time for yourself as well.