Well I finally have a finish to share! I"ve got to find some more time to sew - I'm getting cranky! Anyway above is my Smore's quilt! Isn't it cute! I shared the pillow cases with you earlier, but thought I would post it again here with the quilt.

And here is my brothers Christmas present. You've seen this before also - but it is now quilted and bound! Woooo Hoooo!

I'm sure someone is going to ask about the gorgeous applique quilts in the background. I took these pics at quilt guild Wed night and our speaker was Connie Sue Haidle from
Apple Blossom Quilts. Just look at this Christmas Baltimore quilt of hers. The quilting was GORGEOUS, as was the applique. I"ve just got to do some of these blocks! You can buy the all the patterns for this quilt together, or individually.