Friday, June 23, 2006

I'm getting old!

Just got back from Purdue and got Adam all registered for classes for the fall! Being on campus always makes me feel so old! All those young people, and such worries like, "what time should we meet to play soccer" and "does this outfit look ok"!
Bottom line of the trip though was I spent a wonderful day and a half with Adam, no fighting and he actually conversed with me! He made jokes, we talked and he even asked a few questions! Those of you who have been around a bit know it has been a long year for me with him. 17 and 18 for Adam at home has not been a bowl of cherries! But if nothing else we spent a wonderful 36 hours together! I"m going to savor it - it might be another 10 years before I see him like that again!!!!

I took Emily shopping today for all her doggy stuff! She is so excited! Actually I think I"m more excited! I can't wait to get Chloe. Only 1 more week!

Just wanted to say hi. Tomorrow I"m teaching a quilted tote bag class, so not sure when I'll be back online!

10 comments from wonderful readers:

Lily Mulholland said... 1

Oh what a wonderful time you had Dawn. Congratulations :)

Purdue's got a great international relations depart. Any idea what Adam's going to major in?

Good luck with your class. I'm sure your students will all be whizzes by the end!

Melanie said... 2

Sounds like you had a great day with doing that 'Mom' thing. I guess that's why we don't give up. It has times when it's incredibly rewarding. Take pictures of your class, I'd love to see.


KC Quilter said... 3

As a mother of two grown sons, I know exactly what you are talking about!! Savor indeed.

Quiltgranny said... 4

I think that the 17 and 18 year old "blues" are God's way of letting moms separate from their boys. Every one of them seems to go through it around then - some earlier, some later, but nevertheless, that happens. It's wonderful you had some real quality time with him!

Finn said... 5

So happy to hear that the trip went well. That's big step, sending the first born off to college.
wonderful that Emily can have here doggie..*VBS*

Tonya Ricucci said... 6

I swear, everything makes me feel old these days... Glad you had such a great day with son.

Judy said... 7

Can't wait to see great pictures of the new addition to the family!!

Darcie said... 8

Awesome Dawn! Cheers to growth!

YankeeQuilter said... 9

Going back to any campus always feels strange...did we ever look that young? Congrats.


Laura said... 10

What great pics of Purdue! So glad you and Adam were able to spend some one on one time together and he was able to remember what a great kid he really is!