Saturday, January 17, 2009

Getting Ready for Miss Mary's!

I"ve been busy getting ready for Miss Mary's! I can't WAIT! Miss Mary's is an old farmhouse where a bunch of us gather this time of year to hunker down and eat, laugh and yes even sew! Although sometimes we are laughing so hard and talking so much we can't sew a straight line. Top of my list was getting roommate gifts ready. For some reason I can't ever think of something cute to buy, but I always come up with something to make! Only problem with that is that I have to get them done before I go! So here are some fabric baskets for my gifts! These just turn out sooo cute! If you want to know where the pattern is, it is listed on my side bar under tutorials.

And I finally got one kit ready! This is going to be just a small quilt, but I LOVE it! Carol knows what it will be! The rest of you will have to just wait. I"m not showing right now because Sossy is making it with me and I haven't told her yet what it is!

So only a short time now and I"ll be joining Linda, Jan, Sossy and Laura for a fun fillled weekend! I can't wait!

21 comments from wonderful readers:

free indeed said...

Sounds like alot of fun! ANd the baskets are great...I'd love one! I'm going to bookmark your site to come back and check out the tute for them. I think my daughter would like one for the new baby's room, and I'm definately going to make one for my sewing room...I need to redo that room in a bad way! Hope I follow through...if thinking burned calories, I'd be super thin! HA.

Carol said...

Have a wonderful, fun time! Love all your baskets.

antique quilter said...

have a great time and can't wait to see what your making :)
and pictures of the retreat.
I love seeing what the gifties are you all come up with such cute things.
whats the theme this year?

Unknown said...

Have a great time. The ladies must be thrilled to receive your baskets.

Anonymous said...

The baskets are great! I hope you have a wonderful time... what a way to spend quality time... sewing and friends!

Jan said...

Your Good!!! Can't believe you got all those done. Haven't come up with my roommate gifts yet. Will tackle that when I get there. Saves on Shipping.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun group having lots of fun times together. Quilt retreats are the best.

Tazzie said...

I love the baskets Dawn, wish I was coming with you!

Anonymous said...

You've been busy!! It sounds like a wonderful time. Can't wait to see show and share later!

FrugalFive said...

Sound like fun and the little baskets are very cute, I've made a few but all of them disappeared quickly, not even one left for me! I will have to make one and hide it with my chocolate stash!

Red Geranium Cottage said...

Have a great time!! We'll miss you. Love all those bags. WOW!! You have been busy.

Shelina said...

Those baskets are adorable. I hope you had a great retreat.

Darlene said...

Love, love the baskets - fun to make, aren't they? :-) And, now I'm anxious to see what you're making! Spill it!

Enjoy, enjoy, Miss Mary's and all your friends! We'll wait right here!

Betty said...

OH Dawn! what a fun place to go!
love the baskets I am sure they will be a big hit!

Fabricmom said...

Wow that is a lot of baskets. I bet you could make them blind folded.

Cornfield Quilter said...

I love the fabrics you picked for the project you and Sossy will do. I have a FQ bundle of that line, just may have to break mine out! Have a great time!

Anonymous said...

Oh, My ! What a wonderful bunch of baskets ;>)
I'm sure you'll all have a wonderful time together. ENJOY !
AND I really, really wonder what's that kit that you prepared ??????
You're killing me. HeeHee.....

Carole said...

My goodness.... busy busy! Lovely baskets! have a great time!

Wendy said...

Oh gees women where do you find the time to make so many? The baskets sure are cute, I'm joining 3 ladies tomorrow to make some of these cute baskets. Have a blast on your retreat.

YankeeQuilter said...

Hope you had as much fun at your retreat as I did at mine! Love the baskets....

Colleen formerly of South Africa said...

Love those bags.... I really need to make a couple. Too cute.