Sunday, December 22, 2013

A few more Christmas Gifts almost done!

On top of a bunch of car garbage bags (I had to make 28 of them), I've been working on this for my great niece for Christmas.  Unfortunately I didn't get it quilted, but I"ll get that done right after christmas.  First is her twin size quilt.
And then I made a travel size pillow, and regular pillow case for her
Along with a small quilt, pillow and throw pillow for her American Girl Doll

I hope she likes them!!!

3 comments from wonderful readers:

fiberobsession said... 1

You are really busy! You make such wonderful gifts! I've been doing mostly knitting for Christmas this year but I'll be quilting all day today.

Jan said... 2

My goodness you have been busy. She will love all of those things that match for her and her doll. Time to get things ready for retreat!!!!

Mrs Knitaddict said... 3

Beautiful blog, so many lovely things you made.
Glad to had found you.
Happy New Year!