Friday, March 13, 2009

Mail Call!!!!!

I may be feeling better, but I still haven't had any time to sew lately. Work is sucking everything out of me. I pulled 2 all nighters this week and the 3rd night an 'almost' all nighter. I"m zonked.

But I was cheered today when the mail man pulled into our driveway because he had some packages! Wooo Hooo!!!! First I got the adorable punch needle pattern and very cool springy charm pack from a great friend (and she knows who she is) for my birthday! I can't wait to crack into that charm pack! Oh the ideas are flowing!

And then my birthday present came from my long time friend from Australia. We don't always hit the birthdays (and for me even Christmas) on time! We are such good friends we know it comes when it comes! Anyway - the first thing that caught my eye was this wonderful chocolate wrapping paper - mmmm!!!! Oh - and the BIG news.... She thinks her husband and her are coming to the US this fall for Holly's wedding! Can you believe that! We both are soooo excited!

And how cool is this! For Christmas she gave me "The Thimble Lady"'s book on hand quilting her way, and it has a demo on DVD. She took a class from her last year and loved it once she got used to it. She said if I was interested she would get me the thimble for my bday (because I had to measure my finger to make it fit right - she couldn't just surprise me!). So I got my thimble and some finger cotts! And let me tell you, does that thimble feel good on my finger! I can't wait to try it!

And look at this awesome piece of fabric! I don't know what I want to do with it yet. And NO Tonya - you cannot have it! There are some really fun ideas on the back of the sheet of things you can do with it. But isn't it gorgeous? I'm afraid to cut it!

And what was in that chocolate paper? The cutest little book with sayings and puppy pictures! I had to share 2 of the pages with you!

And I always get fun Australian magazines. I can't wait for a few minutes to sit down and have a good read! And the cutest little heart pattern! Ohhh, I"m such a happy girl today!!!!

7 comments from wonderful readers:

MJinMichigan said... 1

What wonderful gifts! I'd love to see a full size picture of the quilt under the gifts.

Jan said... 2

Oh, to be so loved. Those are great gifts. The puppy book is adorable. Get some rest, you deserve it.

Judy said... 3

I wouldn't be able to ever hand quilt if it were not for the Thimble Lady! I have her book, her dvd and her plastic thimble...I never got the silver one although I need to some day. But it's so nice to not have that pain! I also love finding those green Bohin needle pullers! I can't find them locally but friends have gotten them for me at shows.

Unknown said... 4

The heart pattern IS cute.

Red Geranium Cottage said... 5

You got some goodies there no wonder your a happy girl.

Wendy said... 6

Aren't quilting friends the best for surprises. I'm glad you are feeling better. You've got to stop working so much and get back to quilting...LOL

Libby said... 7

Now that's a lot of fun packed into one gift. Quilting friends know how to do it right *s*