Friday, August 02, 2013

I did it!

Last week my daughter called from Oklahoma.  Her best friend was visiting and was talking all about this car garbage bag another friend had in her car.  So K wanted to know if I could make her one.  Since K is not a sewer, her description left a lot to be desired!  So I asked her if she could borrow it once she got back to IL so I could see it.

K dropped it off a few days ago.  I thought on it some and finally dove in last night making it.

How do you like it!  Pretty on the outside.  Functional inside!  Completely washable!  Easy to empty and adjustable straps gives you lots of choices of places to hang!

Now to write down the sizes and order so I can repeat the process!

8 comments from wonderful readers:

Holly @ Hello Audrey Ruth said... 1

Oh love all the different ways you can hang it! Plus the car pictures give a better idea of how big it is :)

*kd. said... 2

Clever you! Love it. :)

fiberobsession said... 3

You are so good at this kind of thing! Won't the cigarette butts burn through the bag?

Quilts And Pieces said... 4

Only if you smoke!

sophie said... 5

I love this--so practical and so pretty!!

Jan said... 6

Was there any doubt you would figure it out? Looking forward to the instructions.

Dawn said... 7

Love it! These would make great gifts.
Get going on that tutorial would you? LoL...

Karen said... 8

This looks a lot like the smaller size thread scraps holder a friend showed the little quilting group how to make. It involved part of an embroidery hoop. Now I forget how it is constructed but it sort of screwed down into a flat piece for portability.