Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Current sewing....

I got my Buggy Barn Triple Stars quilted and bound. All ready for the charity pile for our guild. It made a nice small toddler size quilt.

The other thing I've been working on is Paducah 9-patches. I need about 40 of them. I'm still 16 away from done! I'll surprise you with where I'm putting them! And sorry about the blurry picture! It looked good on my camera! Don't worry, there will be more and better pictures of them down the road.

6 comments from wonderful readers:

Andrea said... 1

Those 9-patches look very effective when placed together. I love your choice of fabrics. I'm curious as to what you'll do with them ! I'm sure some-one will love the Buggy barn star quilt -it's really sweet !

Judy said... 2

Aren't those fun to make? They are surprisingly easy to pop together and fun to coordinate although I get stuck sometimes trying to get everything to match up! I need to make some more for just ME!

Darlene said... 3

Your Buggy Barn stars are terrific, Dawn!

I love,love your Paducah Nine Patches! It's on my to do list!

Elaine Adair said... 4

Love those Paducah 9-Patches, but holy smoke, you should see what they look like against your quilt-y background, when it first opens up!

BTW, what IS that nifty quilt in the background ... blue, brown and off white.

Jenni said... 5

Exactly what I want to know! Did you make that quilt in the sidebars? I see lots of repro prints that I have there.

Libby said... 6

I've never really thought about how p9p's look set side by side . . . oh no . . . here I go - forming a new quilt idea in my head *s*