Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Roseanna - I will miss you......

but knowing you are safe and happy in heaven.

14 comments from wonderful readers:

Elaine Adair said... 1

Oh my, a sad post, but it's nice to see her happy, having a good time. She was lucky to have you for a friend. 8-)

Karen said... 2

Oh how sad to lose a quilting buddy. Were you friends a long time?

sossy said... 3

Lovely pictures Dawn. My heart is very heavy today and I am very sad for Roseanna's family and all the gals. Things will be so different without her. Thought I would make a couple nicu quilts in remembrance. She would like that. She was such a pure-hearted, lovely lady and I will miss her too.

Jan said... 4

This has been so hard to deal with. Glad I had the opportunity to have her as my table mate at camp. (just 4 weeks ago-can't believe it) A beautiful loving person and she will be missed.

Libby said... 5

I'm so sad and sorry to hear of the loss of your friend - I'll be thinking of you.

Barb said... 6

I too am sorry to hear about your quilting friend. What a nice testament to her....to have such wonderful friends to blog about her. She must have truly been a wonderful friend.

Unknown said... 7

sorry about your friend - sending you (((hugs))) from across the pond

Thimbleanna said... 8

Oh, I'm sorry about your friend. It looks like she left a lovely quilt legacy.

Michelle said... 9

I love those pictures! Thank you for sharing them with us. I am so glad I went to camp this year and had Roseanna as my "bunk mate". She pleasantly woke me up each morning for breakfast...

Kim said... 10

It is amazing how friends touch our lives....people randomly meet and form such attachments.....God rest her soul.

Sounds like she enriched many lives.

Happy sewing....we never know when God will call us.

Janet said... 11

It's just lovely to read nice things about your friend and that she'll be missed. My sympathies to you for your loss.

Anonymous said... 12

So sorry about the loss of your friend. But quilters leave behind a very tangible legacy, and you also have these wonderful pictures of your very vibrant and talented friend. Peace to her family and friends...

Deb said... 13

my heart broke on seeing the lose..you were lucky to know her as long as you have. looks like memories will be a wonderful place.

Alberta said... 14

What a lovely photo tribute to your dear friend. Sorry for your loss.