Monday, May 23, 2011

It's finally spring in the midwest!

It takes some time, but spring finally arrived! Since I"m not quite done with my next project I want to share with you, I"ll share these pictures of our beautiful tree in our yard!

Even got some honey bees!

4 comments from wonderful readers:

Lee Prairie Designs said... 1

Lovely tree--- I can see why you enjoy it. I can almost smell it from here in Iowa! Great eye for finding the BB!

Carolyn :)

Barb said... 2

Enjoyed the pictures! Have a good day!

Heirlooms by Ashton House said... 3

I always love seeing the beautiful flowering trees this time of year. You are so fortunate to have one. This is my favorite season of all.

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said... 4

Very nice..and so impressed with that twister ruler, love the effect and end result, I will be on the lookout, is that what they are actually called? Tracey