Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Slowly working away on hand quilting

Been slowly working away on the hand quilting of my Primitive Primer. Soon I"ll have a new quilt top to share. But for now this is all I have to share.

6 comments from wonderful readers:

WoolenSails said... 1

I love the fabrics you used, really beautiful piece.
That monkey is just too cute, love the pants.


Janet said... 2

I've been enjoying some hand quilting too, in fact I could happily do it all day but then it is getting cold here. I'll be looking forward to the show and tell.

Lori said... 3

I love that quilt!! Your handquilting is going to make it so special!!

Cathy said... 4

I started working on the Primitive Primer a few years back. I had put the pieces in a box a while back. 2 days ago while going through some boxes I found the pieces and am now working on it again. Yours is very beautiful. I can't wait to see it when you are done quilting it. Hugs.

Karen said... 5

I like the pineapple block a lot. Primitive Primer is still on my list of to do's.

Sharon said... 6

It's going to be lovely...isn't handquilting a relaxing way to spend the evening, or day?