Thursday, May 17, 2007

Making Progress

I'm making progress on my Serendipty blocks. I know it seems like it is going slow, but work continues to suck up a lot of my time these days, and I've spent a lot of time finding just the right fabric to put in this! So digging and digging through my mess takes time!

Plus I'm cutting and sewing Jenna's graduation quilt along with this, so I"m actually getting 2 quilts done at once! When I have quilts like this where there is a one quilt with a lot of easy sewing and it is repetitive I find it goes much faster to kind of treat it like a leaders and enders project. So no new pics of that one .... yet. But I will have some by this weekend.

A cute story about my 2 youngest girls and me. The weather has been between 60 and 80 this past week, with lots of beautiful sunshine. The other day it was the mid 60's, and bright sunshine, and a cool breeze - it was gorgeous! So I mention to the girls - "ahhh, this is my kind of weather". Jenna says "it is way too cold! I love it when it is 100 out. I could sit out there all day when it is hot". Emily walks into the room and says "no, it is much better when it is below 0!" Thats my dog sled girl! Her dream is to move to Alaska and raise sled-dogs! And knowing her that may just be what she ends up doing! I could see her living out in the cold and wild with just dogs for companions and not needing many comforts. I'll go visit but only in the summer! (The picture above is Emily about 6 years ago I'm guessing).

14 comments from wonderful readers:

KC Quilter said... 1

Love how those Serendipity blocks are coming along!!! And what a great story to illustrate the differences between siblings.

Darlene said... 2

Your Serendipity blocks are AWESOME!

Joyce said... 3

Emily obviously loves dogs! I am still trying to track down that quilting pattern for you.

Melanie said... 4

Those blocks look incredibly difficult... you're doing an outstanding job!!! Love the picture of your daughter... I see you in her---

Libby said... 5

Those blocks are awesome. Emily looks like she's practicing keeping warm with her sled dogs - darling picture.

atet said... 6

Your blocks look wonderful. And isn't it amazing how differently people react to the weather? Though I have to admit -- as much as I love snuggling under a quilt, I'm with Jenna.

Unknown said... 7

I recognize the fabric in the middle of your serindipity blocks. I used that fabric on a pattern called "Four Patch Posies" and it turned out great! Love the effect.
This fabric seems to lend itself to blocks with some movement. Your blocks look great!

Anonymous said... 8

Dawn, I'm in awe ! This is going to be a very special and beautiful quilt ! Keep going !

Smiles !

Unknown said... 9

Your serendipity blocks look awesome. I am curious to see how the whole quilt will look like. Amazing how the colour placement can change the look completely. Take care.

Lucy said... 10

Beautiful blocks Dawn !! and a beautifull picture of your daughter with her doggiesd:-)

Anonymous said... 11

Love the serendipity blocks. Have you seen the movie withj John Cusack, its my husbands favorite movie. I just adore the fabrics you are using, you've made great color choices.

Nicole said... 12

Those blocks are just awesome! What an incredible finished project you are going to have. The time you are taking to find the exactly right fabrics is really paying off.
When my daughter was around five, she carried around a little dog house with her wherever she went, saying that the stuffed dog inside was ill and she was its veternarian. We still can't believe she went to art school rather than veterinary college!

Betty said... 13

oh my wasn't life simple back then?? My friends's DD became a Park ranger and leads fishing and hunting trips on an island off the Alaskan coast, she loves it! so you never know

Darcie said... 14

And let me guess...those are all stuffed dogs, right?! Too cute!