Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Oh so busy!

Yup, it is that time of year. So many graduations, birthday's and just beginning of summer stuff! Once again this year (As I've had now for the past few years in my house) I have a High School graduation coming up. Jenna's graduation is next Tues night. So we've had award breakfasts', and Scholarship/Awards nights. Then there is the registration and college stuff for next fall. And of course the Sr-itits!

Need I say more? I haven't had a lot of time for quilting, got to make it through next Tues first! I did get the 2nd round on my medallion challenge finally. Not that is was hard! But I have Jenna's graduation quilt to worry about, and then I'm having so much fun with the Serendipity blocks which just kept haunting me. Anyway, the 2nd round was "frame it". Course I thought of all kinds of cool frames, but decided to go simple to seperate round 1 and 3.

Lilacs are finally starting to bloom in my area. And the weather is GORGEOUS this May. Better than I ever remember it being. Clear sunny days, warm but not hot, and not humid!

Oh and for all those questions about Serendipity, I keep forgetting to answer them for those of you who asked questions but don't have an email linked up to your ID. I"ll try and hit them all here. But the best way is to change your settings so that when you ask a question I can email you back!

First off - everyone is commenting on how hard they look. Don't be fooled. The beauty of these is how easy they are! It is amazing how well they go together! They are not hard to piece at all, and no set-in seams.

Pamina wanted to know how big they are. Hmm, I keep forgetting to measure, but I want to say one block is maybe about 9" finished size - so fairly large.

YankeeQuilter and Screen Door among others wanted to know how many blocks and what kind of setting - well part of that is the surprise to wait for! But I'll clue you in - There will be 7 of the blocks I"m working on now (I have 5 done). The setting is not just a plain setting, and there still will be no set-in seams. I"m guessing the finished quilt will be about 60" x 60", but just a guess because I haven't quite figured out how I want to finish off the border yet! In fact I may even change the setting! I looked through the books again last night and there are so many ideas floating in my head!

Part of the beauty of these blocks is they can be as busy or calm as you want them. There are about 30 blocks in a book, and then there really are multitudes of ways you can customize each block and setting! The possibilities are endless. You get coloring sheets in the book to play around with. Here are some of the coloring sheets to print out online. I'm doing Prickly Pear.

11 comments from wonderful readers:

KC Quilter said... 1

Dawn, you are the QUEEN of feathered stars!!!!

Darcie said... 2

I'll second KCQuilter's thoughts!!! In're the queen of any star!

You're so amazingly busy with work and graduate stuff...and yet you still find time to fit in piecing! You're so good!!!

Laurie Ann said... 3

Beautiful lilacs! I can almost smell them!

Melanie said... 4

I can smell the lilacs from here!!! Enjoy the graduation festivities....

Wendy said... 5

Enjoy your time with the grads. Love the feathered star, one that's always on my list.
I have some Lilacs outside my back door and it smells heavenly.

sara, the house of charm said... 6

@_@ eeep. No, I'm not convinced, that block still looks tricky to me. Mmmmm your lilac photos were so lush, I wish we grew them in California!

meggie said... 7

I wish I had some lilacs like that!

Patti said... 8

I looked up the book on the Checkers website and discovered there are TWO of them. Do you have both of them. If so, do you recommend getting both to start with or just the first one.

atet said... 9

Oh, your feathered star is to die for! Have fun this week, even though it's busy -- these are the kinds of busy you look forward to!

YankeeQuilter said... 10

Our lilacs have just finished up and we are already covered in roses. It is tough getting onto this new seasonal schedule!

These blocks still look difficult...maybe I need to get the book!

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said... 11

That feathered star looks amazing all done, you should be very proud. I'm off to look at colouring sheets but enjoy the graduation time and that mystery one looks great as well, Tracey