Sunday, February 10, 2008

Scrappy Trip Around the World

I got my scrappy trip around the world done! And you know what? It looks pretty darn cool for an ugly fabric quilt! I can't even say it was all made from stash - because the bin the fabric came out of can't even be called stash - it is more like YUCK!

I"m going to make Bonnie's 10-inch block backing (about 1/2 way down the page) too. I have a bit to go on that yet today. (oh and the small brown border is more for anchoring all the pieces when I quilt it. I"m hoping to beg use of a long arm from my friend to get it quilted).

25 comments from wonderful readers:

Judy said... 1

Amazing what yo9u can do with some fabrics that you really aren't in love with anymore! Good job! Glad to see you still getting some sew time in even with the crazy work schedule you've been having!

Sheila said... 2

I try not to have too many unloved fabrics. But with quilts like this, is there such a thing anymore? Really nice.

BTW... I just saw that you won a drawing at Figtree... Congrats!

Elaine Adair said... 3

It looks good to me! Durable, washable, and VERY sensible. I've made about 6-7 a long time ago, but after all you bloggers got to making MORE, I just might have to jump in again! AND, yours is DONE - the best part.

And the framed piece is definitely a beauty!

MARCIE said... 4

Oh Dawn! You did it! You turned the frog into a prince, or something perhaps even better. I love it!

Red Geranium Cottage said... 5

Love your trip around the world. Very cute.

Unknown said... 6

Bonnie's absolutely right - if a fabric's ugly just cut it smaller - here you've really made a silk purse from a sow's ear - well done Dawn

Silverthimble said... 7

Defintely not a yuk! I love this! The scrappy trip around the world quilt or at least Bonnie's version of same, is on my to do list too!

Anonymous said... 8

Can't find anything yuck on this quilt. It's great! There's hope for all of my ugly fabrics!

Libby said... 9

It sure doesn't look yucky from here.

Darlene said... 10

I don't see yucky! It's great, Dawn.

Three Birds Inspired said... 11

Since scrappy quilts seem to be all the rage lately (or maybe it's just because I read so many blogs that are tied to Bonnie's!), I am inspired to actually make one...Especially if you can take "yucks" and turn them into something as lovely as what you did with this quilt!

atet said... 12

What a fun quilt -- kind of a "silk purse out of..." situation. And wow -- how great!

Unknown said... 13

This is such a great way to use "ugly" fabrics.

meggie said... 14

Now that is what I call a REAL quilt! I love it.

Suzy said... 15

Your quilt is lovely! I love scrappy quilts. No matter the fabric, they all seem to play well together when it's all said and done. :o)

Sherry said... 16

I think your quilt looks great! Love those scrappy quilts.

quiltmom anna said... 17

I think it is a gorgeous quilt- isn't wonderful to use up scraps and turn it into something beautiful- Well done,Dawn!

Regards from a Western Canadian quilter,

Jeanne said... 18

Well, those uglies are gorgeous now! It's a wonderful quilt! Thanks for sharing.

Tracey in CT said... 19

None of these fabrics look ugly from here! Good job!

Lea said... 20

You did a great work with your "not so likable" fabrics!
Actually, This quilt looks wonderful.:-)

julieQ said... 21

So pretty! Love the quilt around the world setting.

*karendianne. said... 22

This came out great. Great inspiring idea.

Carol E. said... 23

Beautiful. Ditto what everyone else said.

YankeeQuilter said... 24

Well done! Isn't it amazing how fabrics change when you cut them up!


tami said... 25

Great way to spend your time in Green Bay. That shop looks like a great time.