Tuesday, August 02, 2011


A little of this

A little of that

And we have some fun semi-blocks.... but wait......

10 comments from wonderful readers:

Janet O. said... 1

Aren't you the tease!
I'll be watching.

Ida13 said... 2

It's funny. I like it! :):)

fiberobsession said... 3

Oh, yeah, it is coming along beautifully. The fabrics are lovely!

paulette said... 4

Wow!! I need one of these rulers! Love this block!

Kristie said... 5

Hmmmmm...I'm loving it! Can't wait to see more

*karendianne. said... 6

What a great way to post a block and piecing and a come to big thing! ;) This is fun.

BillieBee (billiemick) said... 7

Love this block1

Nancy said... 8

What a great jelly roll project!!!! Thanks for sharing.

Vivian said... 9

You're such a tease! and I'm definitely gonna watch this closely. A couple moves, and your blocks already look complex. That's my kind of quilt.

Karen said... 10

ah ha...ah ha....
come on you tease!
Going to be fab no matter- your projects always are.