Thursday, August 25, 2011

Remember this quilt?

Remember this quilt top? Well.... it is quilted!!!! And look how AWESOME it is at Ruthie's blog! Ruthie belongs to the same quilt guild that some of my friends in Indiana belong to so I got to know her from fall quilt camp. When I saw she had this baptist fan pattern I knew this quilt needed it! So off my quilt went for a short stay at her house. I"ll be picking it up in a few weeks when I see her at camp!!!!!

Got all my Hot Cross blocks together and the inside border on tonight. Also got the outside borders pieced but not on yet. So in another day or two I"ll have the finished top to share.

11 comments from wonderful readers:

Janet O. said... 1

Your finished quilt top looks really great. It is always a good feeling to get a "finish" off to a quilter and anticipate what it will look like when completed.
And your hot cross Christmas blocks are going to make a fun holiday quilt.

Linda C said... 2

Love the quilt and the quilting!! Have just dropped my tumbler in to be quilted, and she is doing baptist fan too!!

antique quilter said... 3

love that finished quilt oh and yes baptist fan quilting is perfect
your hot cross buns blocks are wonderful
cut little quilt
great fabric!

Andrea said... 4

Waaaa- me want it - lol ! I love it xxx

Barb said... 5

Your quilt looks wonderful and your hot cross buns are great@

Libby said... 6

Baptist fans will be just perfect!

Anonymous said... 7

Looks wonderful...even enjoyed seeing Hot Cross in progress!

Barb said... 8

congrats on a nice finish!
Love those hot cross bun blocks - wonderful color combination

Dawn said... 9

Awesome quilts. I love baptist fan quilting.
Thanks for sharing!

Annette said... 10

Isn't is such a good feeling when a quilt is finished. Yours is beautiful! I like your fun Hot Cross blocks too.

Sue said... 11

Love those hot cross blocks, and guess what - Baptist fan is my favourite quilting pattern. I usually hand quilt and I have probably done that pattern on about a dozen different quilts. It lends itself to any block I reckon!