Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hot Cross Quilt!

I have the top finished! Isn't it fun. I just loved this fabric line - "Countdown to Christmas".

And check out the fun New Zealand panel I got from Sue in the mail yesterday! Thank you Sue so much!

15 comments from wonderful readers:

Juliann said... 1

I like that Hot Cross quilt - very fun!

Barb said... 2

Love it!!

Mary said... 3

I love how this quilt turned out. Great choice of fabric.

Barb said... 4

I absolutly love your quilt and that panel! Gorgeous!

*karendianne. said... 5

What a neat panel. Okay and this Hot Cross in the holiday fabric turned out super. I totally dig it. :)

Janet O. said... 6

Very festive Christmas quilt!

Anonymous said... 7

Fun Schnibble!!!!!! Love it!

Janet said... 8

I love the quilt and the backing fabric is such fun.

Sue said... 9

You're welcome too Dawn. VBG!
Love the Hot Cross Quilt.

fiberobsession said... 10

I've gotta tell you, when I first saw your beginning X blocks, I did not like them at all. I thought, who on earth would make a quilt out of blocks like that? But now that you have them in a quilt with that fantastic border, I love it! I think you've made a believer out of me and I'm even thinking I might like a quilt like it with some of my brights. Who'd 'a thunk it?

fiberobsession said... 11

I've gotta tell you, when I saw your first few blocks, I thought, "Who would make a quilt out of those?" No only was I unimpressed, I really disliked them. Who would have guessed that when put together and had that amazing border added that it would be so darned cute? You made a believer out of me. I'm thinking a quilt made out of my brights would be great. Who'd 'a thunk it?

fiberobsession said... 12

I guess I just discovered that because your post doesn't show up right away, it doesn't mean it didn't take. Sorry for the 2 similar posts.

Linda said... 13

Love your version of Hot Cross in Countdown to Christmas fabric!!! LOVE it! I have been wanting to make Hot Cross for a while.

Judy S. said... 14

You've got some very fun projects in the works! I really enjoyed your WI photos, especially the ones from Copper Falls; I've not been there for a bazillion years!

MARCIE said... 15

Hot Cross is so cute! And look how cute your NZ panel looks with the piano key border!