Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A few more Hot Cross Blocks

Have a few more made. Just been short on time.

But look at these crazy bikes I saw yesterday while coming home from an errand! The guys inside were pedaling like a bike! And I saw about 20 of them of all colors, but they all were teeny tiny like this!

8 comments from wonderful readers:

Libby said... 1

We see a variety of low-to-the-ground bicycles around here. I suppose the wind resistance is better, seating comfort is something to be lauded - but I always worry over their visability to automobiles *yikes*

Janet O. said... 2

Gonna be a fun Christmas quilt one day!
Interesting little contraptions! Wonder what they are called?

regan said... 3

LOVE those hot cross blocks..... especially the ones with the words.... you pieced them so perfectly so you can still read them! Nice! And I'm sure those guys on those bikes think they are nice and secure in those little pods.....but you could still squash them like a bug! lol Cute colors, though!

Anonymous said... 4

I've made three Hot Cross quilts...loved it! Looking forward to seeing yours too!!

Sewjoe said... 5

Those are very interesting bikes...they must be serious bikers.
Love your blocks!

Gypsy Quilter said... 6

You know I really love the pattern for hot cross blocks . . . and I've started a few, but just can't find a fabric theme. So I can't wait to see yours come together. Perhaps it will inspire me.

Karen said... 7

You have used some interesting fabrics in your blocks.

*karendianne. said... 8

Check out those little rides. How fun! Thanks for thinking of us when you were out and caught this. :)