Tuesday, August 23, 2011

No quilts yet... but some nicer scenes of WI

No quilts yet - just got home from Wisconsin, but here are some of the more scenic things we saw! No words needed! (Copper Falls State Park)

And Aposotle Island Cruise with Lighthouse on Raspberry Island. (Note - 76 steps to get up to the lighthouse.... and then to get to the tower you have 1 flight of normal stairs, then some circular stairs (at least one or 2 flights), then you climb a ladder and go through a trap door on the floor of the tower. That takes you into the inside by the light. But to go out on deck you have to crawl on the floor through a low panel to the outside!

8 comments from wonderful readers:

WoolenSails said... 1

What wonderful photos of your trip, such a beautiful place. I love waterfalls, and the area looks like a great place to spend a week or two.


regan said... 2

There is no way I could do the lighthouse (deathly afraid of heights), but I'll be the view from there is spectacular! Lovely photos.....thanks for sharing!

Janet O. said... 3

Beautiful scenes! I love waterfalls and we stop for any that we can on our vacations. What a journey up all the stairs, and crawling and stuff! Love the name "Raspberry Island".

BillieBee (billiemick) said... 4

Wonderful pics. Thanks for sharing.

Mary said... 5

Gorgeous! It looks so pretty. I want to go on vacation. Going through Wisc in September on way yto Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

Janet said... 6

I could watch waterfall for ages, these ones are really nice. I think I could go up the lighthouse too even though i don't like hights.

Barb said... 7

The falls photos are stunning. I love the sound of the water rushing, don't you?
You'll be back to sewing as soon as the laundry is done. lol

Linda said... 8

Gorgeous photos!!!