My oldest daughter Holly informed us of the very important coincidence. Today is child #2's birthday - no longer a teenager (yes I knew that part!) and it is also
Winnie the Pooh Day! Coincidence? I told her no - I planned it that way. We have no idea how it started, but Adam always loved Pooh. And the older he got the more attached to his Pooh Bear he was. As a high schooler he would do things if Pooh asked him to do it, but if Mark or I would ask him forget it. (And no Pooh does not talk and we aren't hearing things - but Mark does this hysterical talking for Pooh). Uhhh - and if you blow the picture up you can see that Pooh has "the mange" from 20 years of loving. And he is filthy - even though we have sent him on many water rides through the washer!

Anyway, since Adam is now at that point in life where he won't talk to us, my best birthday wishes and memories will have to be shared here. Above is Adam at 3.

And here he is at about age 5 when I was pregnant with Emily and I took the 3 kids for a big brother/big sister class at the hospital. They were sooo cute!

And here he was at his high school graduation party. Wow have the years gone by!

Now for the embarassing part. I"ve seen several people playing "I Spy" with their cutting areas.
Nicole started it with the idea for us to post pics and see who really has the messiest area. Well uhhhh mine is really a mess. This first picture is my raised cutting area. Well it got so full that I can't even cut on it anymore. So now I"m cutting on my sewing table. And notice things are starting to accumulate there too. Yeah I know, one of these days I should clean it - but you know, I'd rather be sewing!

I Spy 15 things on my "real" cutting table (first messy picture):
1. An Indian from Thanksgiving waiting for his feather to be crazy glued back on.
2. My GORGEOUS Hawaiian tool caddy from
Sharon (and yes I have tons of stuff in it)!
3. A big roll of masking tape for pinning quilts.
4. My Dick Blick tracing paper I LOVE for sending through the printer and using for Triangulations or paper piecing.
5. Roxanne's Glue Baste It - can't live without it!
6. My wood storage container that my friends husband made for us for xmas. I keep all my little quilt things in it so I don't loose them - like the tips for the glue baste it!
7. Some thread drawers
8. Spool of thread shelf sitter
9. My broken magnetic pin holder with misc pins. (oh and I see a small black clip)
10. Lots of baggies of projects in process.
11. See the marshmallow fabric to the back - that is my S'more Sunbonnet Sue doll I made.
12. My orange tape measure from Menards.
13. To the far left my chicken pincushion I made long ago.
14. Quilting Diva notepad for those important quilt notes to friends.
15. My diet coke coaster which the Indian is standing on until I get him FIXED!
Wow - there is a whole lot more I could list - now that is sad!