Sunday, March 16, 2008

Chloe is jumping for joy! The big 500!

It is finally here, the 500th post. My family has been making fun of me all morning about this. But not Chloe! She is jumping for joy!

So leave a comment on this post and your name will go into the drawing. The prize is a surprise, but I guarantee it is fun and quilting related. I"m hoping Jenna (who is home for spring break), Emily and Chloe will draw the name sometime Wednesday night after 6pm Central time. But since they are making fun of this I may have to resort to a random number generator.

And here she is trying to patiently wait for Wednesday night......

65 comments from wonderful readers:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations for 500th posts!
Chloe is such a cute dog!!

Patti said...

Chloe is such a wonderful dog - and a great actress - jumps for joy and excitement on cue! Please, please draw my name - I've yet to win anything in blogland!

Jeanne said...

Chloe is adorable! Congratulations on your 500th post! That's a lot of typing. *s*

DebbyMc said...

Love Chloe... What a sweetheart! WooHoo! 500! That's a lot of posts! Congratulations!

blueberrylane said...

Wow 500 posts, congratulations !

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Aren't dogs fun? Such a zest for life! Love the speckles on her forehead. Congrats on your 500th post.

Lucy said...

taaa daaahh here I am Dawn, waiting for teh big surprise ;-)

Cloe is adorable!!! I wish I could come over and play with her!

Unknown said...

500 posts Dawn - AMAZING - well done and here's to many more! :o)

Lucy said...

ps.. wow 500 posts, I have done half of them in the same time!

Anonymous said...

great, wish to get 500 posts too, in some years probably

hope there will be 500 more

Libby said...

Woo Hoo! I'm as excited as Chloe is . . . here's to lots of 500's more *S*

Judy said...

Pretty baby, she knows mommy's excited! Good for you Dawn!

sossy said...

Happy 500 Dawn. I know lots of people love your blog!

Carolyn said...

Congratulations on 500! May there be many more!

Beth said...

Wow, 500 posts. You do such a great job, keep up the good work. Chloe is so cute, remember they will always be happy for you and never make fun of you. They are your best friend.

Elaine Adair said...

my word - 500 is a LOT! Congrats on this milestone, and hope there are many more!

Pat said...

Congrats on your 500th post and best wishes for 500 more.

Kathi said...

Chloe is echoing my excitement over your 500th blog! And we look alot alike, too!


Gypsy Quilter said...

By all means, sign me up!

quiltmom anna said...

Hi Dawn
What a terrific accomplishment -500 entries - I take my hat off to you.
Chloe looks like she is having fun and it strikes me like you have had fun writing your blog.:)
With best wishes and Congratulations,
Regards from a Western Canadian Quilter,

floribunda said...

Congratulations -- I'm still such a long way from 500!

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Congratulations on 500 posts! I have quite a ways to go as I just started blogging. ;-) I have enjoyed peeking in on your CW diary blocks! I have the diaries book and hope to start a quilt soon...

Paula said...

Yippee and Hooray! Congratulations and PICK ME!!!! LOL

Jill said...

Love reading all of the mavericks. This is my first comment. You are all an inspiration. I can't wait to keep reading about your quilting journeys. I try to sew a little everyday. Jill

Cathi said...

Congratulations on your 500th post. Chloe is adorable!

Lindah said...

No wonder Chloe is hyper ---500 posts! Congratulations!

Hedgehog said...

Congrats on reaching 500 posts!

Anne Ida said...

Wohoo! Congratulations on your 500 post! What a blogiversary! No wonder Chloe is exited :o)

Sew Create It - Jane said...

Congrats on 500 posts!!! Chloe has good reason to jump for joy...that's quite a milestone!

chook said...

wow congrats on your 500th post
hugs Beth

Melanie said...

Congrats on 500 entries-- I remember when you got Chloe...I think she's a family member now.

Nann said...

Lucky me--I get to see some of Dawn's creations in person! Congratulations on post #500.


Needle, Thimble and Thread said...

Congratulations on 500! I enjoy stopping by to see what your working on.


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

500! You GO girl! I'm coming up on 400 and when I get there, I'm also going to hold a drawing. I'd love to be entered in yours.

nancy, near philadelphia

Patti said...

I really enjoy your blog. Congratulations on 500 posts.

Karrin Hurd said...

Congratulations on 500, that is awesome. I really enjoy your blog!

Linda C. said...

Wow, Dawn! FIVE HUNDRED!!! That's terrific! I love your blog, and it's always inspiring . . . sometimes more than it should be! Best wishes for the next 500!

Diane said...

I think yours was the first quilt blog I ever read. You continue to inspire me. Congratulations on post number 500!

Karen said...

Congratulations on your milestone!

Cory said...

Congrats on the 500th post. Gotta love the unconditional love from pets. She is adorable. Thank you and take care, Cory.

Brigitte said...

Chloe looks like a real darling! she should have a lot of fun with my Nelli :-) please sing me in - I love suprises
Congratulation to the 500th
Brigitte in Poland

Anonymous said...

Wow!! The big 500? That is quite a blog! Chloe has a right to be happy. She knows the importance of the moment :o)

Laura said...

Oh Chloe, please pick me, please pick me!!!

Carin said...

Congratas on your 500th post! We have a Cloe but she is a puggle probably just as hyper.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your 500th post, this is a big milestone.

Unknown said...

Congratulations for your post . Thanks for show us your work , hugs from Chile , Vero

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

Chloe is darling! And congratulations on your 500th post!
Big hugs from Ohio!

Anonymous said...

Wow, 500 posts, that's amazing! I'd love to be entered in the surprise drawing! And Chloe is sure a cutie!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary, what a gorgeous dog, please count me in. Chris

Debbie said...

Congratulations on your 500th post! Chloe has the right idea, keep on jumping!

*karendianne. said...

Isn't this neat, to have reached this milestone? Congrats to you and I love the shots of Chloe. She's a good girlie. ;)

Doggie Love, *karendianne.

QuiltingFitzy said...

That's one HAPPY doggie!

Love your blog, always have, always will. Congrats.

Darlene said...

Wow, 500 - that's awesome. Congratulations, Dawn - I will be here reading the next 500.

Thimbleanna said...

Congrats on 500! That's why dogs are man's best friend LOL!

meggie said...

Wowee! Congratulations for your 500! Well done.
I am probably too late for your draw, but never mind, I love the pics of Chloe! they are beautiful!!

Lea said...

Congratulations on your 500th! Gee, it's already 56 people left comments!!*S*
BTW, my daughter always enjoy if people post their pet pictures on the blog and here she goes,She is jumping for joy to see Chole. *LOL*
She said "wan wan, wan, wan" It's doggy mean in Japanese.

Shar said...

Congratulations on your 500th post!I really enjoy your blog thank you for sharing. Ruff Ruff Pick me Chloe! LOL

Happy Stitching

Unknown said...

Cloe is beautiful!!! Congrats on 500!!

Wendy said...

Wow 500 posts, time to celebrate. Congrats to you.
Chloe looks like a fun puppy.

Kim West said...

Oh my - 500 posts - that is a lot!! Congrats!!!

Andrea said...

Wow - 500 posts - that's amazing. Looking forward to the next 500. My cats send a meow to Chloe - lol !

Leah Spencer said...

Thanks for the Chloe pictures! We should see her more often. ;) But I'm glad adopting her worked out well.

500 posts... gee whiz, I'm creeping only to 300 myself. :)

Chookyblue...... said...

Sorry I am behind but wanted to say wow 500 posts quite an achievement........well done

Sequana said...

That's a great achievement! Pshaw to your family for making fun.

I see you have so fun comments that it will be easy to win. *L*