Friday, March 07, 2008

Most Used Pincushion

Above is my most used pincushion. Not the fanciest, but certainly most used! It stays by my machine and goes with me on retreat! I know I've shared some of my others in the past so I won't bore you with more pics of those. Blueberry Lane is having a giveaway of an old pincushion book out of print for sharing your most used pincushion. Go visit!

And here are some Civil War blocks I got done this week! The top 2 are my favorites! And I even bought a cheap tablecloth to tape up on Adam's closet for a design wall finally! It is so fun to see the blocks all together! I have a lot of red and blue ones I decided. I'll have to fix that!

11 comments from wonderful readers:

Anonymous said...

Your CW blocks look terrific, I agree those top 2 are great.

MARCIE said...

Dawn, you are just having way too much fun! Your CW blocks are wonderful! And what a neat event at your guild. I would love to be there and get in on all that! So glad you share with us!

Lynette Anderson said...

I love your civil war blocks and since I love blue and red so much I am happy that there are lots in those clours. Isnt it great being able to see them up on a wall, makes it very exciting.

Anonymous said...

These are turning out fantastic! Pretty colors and combos. Love it.

canquilt said...

Your blocks are gorgeous. They are soooo much fun. I haven't done the blocks for this week yet, maybe today.

Lily Boot said...

I really like your orange stripe fabric - I have been eyeing that off in my local quilt store. Your black and red is also lovely - those triangles look very tricksy! Lily

Carin said...

your CW blocks are amazing!

Lea said...

Wow, Dawn, You did great job with all CW blocks. It's so fun see all together, what a sight! *S*
I love your pincushion. I used this pincushion when I attend a quilt class before and It was great. I might need to make one for me.

julieQ said...

Very pretty civil war blocks! wow, you have a lot already. Thanks for sharing your pincushion!!

Judy said...

Oh excellent progress on the blocks Dawn. Love hoe yours turned out too! You actually had the rust "broth" fabric. I had the same but in a mauve color and decided not to use that. It's so cool when we have the same fabrics! I like how your Provisions blocksed turned you realize we have to sew that top and bottom so that it ends up at just a 1/4"?!! Yikes these are getting small! Great job!

*karendianne. said...

You're doing really great stuff with those Civil War blocks. Boy! This is really fun.