Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Cat

Look at what I got finished! I was browsing through a Christmas Quilt Book a few months ago and saw this pattern for a stuffed cat. Now don't you think the Hugs and Kisses quilt from The Cat needs a cat?! So this is going with the quilt and pillowcases!

16 comments from wonderful readers:

Libby said... 1

You are so funny - that kitty cat makes me smile

Lucy said... 2

Love this funny cat!

meggie said... 3

What a really Cool Cat!

antique quilter said... 4

how cute is that!
your girls all need a cat too!

Gypsy Quilter said... 5

Now that's a huggable kitty!

Anonymous said... 6

What a adorable kitty!!
Your friend will be soooo happy to receive such a gorgeous gift from you!

Deb said... 7

what a charming kitty and she will surely go with the hugs and kisses. she would be great to cuddle with (no hair) under that gorgeous quilt.

Jan said... 8

Love it! Adorable!

Darcie said... 9

What a fun little accessory to go with the lovely quilt ensemble! LOVE the color scheme of it all!

Wendy said... 10

What a awesome kitty to go with the cute.

quiltingnana said... 11

I'm glad I found your blog. I absolutely love the vintage quilt top pictures you posted earlier this month. The block pattern is very interesting and makes a wonderful quilt.

julieQ said... 12

What a cutie! Yes, a cat is essential...

Christina said... 13

Thank you for commenting on my blog, I never would have found you otherwise. What a great blog you have. I'll be adding you to my roll. And I MUST have those snowmen a couple posts back, is it a pattern or your own design?

Shelina said... 14

What a great quilt - and for it to come with pillowcases and a cat to boot - just wonderful.

Silverthimble said... 15

The quilt and pillowcases are gorgeous. I loved the fabric you used on the pillows! The addition of the cat was a great idea given that the gift is from "the cat"!

Fabricmom said... 16

How adorable. I love it. I adore the quilt too.