Sunday, November 09, 2008

Snowmen and Pigs

I'm still working on Christmas presents. I got 2 more snowmen done - 4 more to go!

And I made a stuffed pig for a friend from some 30's crumbs! I love how it turned out! I still have more to go. It is a busy, busy year for gifts!

14 comments from wonderful readers:

Yvette said... 1

I love your snowmen! Can you tell me where I can buy the pattern and hangers?

Thank You!

Gina said... 2

Love the snowmen

love and hugs Gina xx

May Britt said... 3

The pig is soooo cute :) Make me smile.

Holly @ Hello Audrey Ruth said... 4

Those snowmen are cute mom!

Darcie said... 5

Lucky lucky snowman and pig lovers on your gift list! Love the pig idea...c-ute!!!

Libby said... 6

Love them *s* That pig is just too cute. We are going all hand/home-made this year . . . when I say we, I mean me I guess since I'm the maker. I'm having a lot of fun with it and I'm in heaven not having to go out to the stores!

Unknown said... 7

The snowmen are so cute.

Gypsy Quilter said... 8

Now that is one very cute pig. Wherever did you get the idea?

julieQ said... 9

Really cute snowmen!!and piggy too.

rachel griffith said... 10

oh how cute!!! love them both.

would you mind sharing where you got the pattern for the pig???
that would be perfect for my niece for christmas.

thanks for sharing.

YankeeQuilter said... 11

The snowmen are adorable! Love the elongated shape.


Beertje Zonn said... 12

The snowman and the pig are lovely!
Kind rgerds,

Beertje Zonn

meggie said... 13

So cute!!

Liz said... 14

I LOVE those snowmen! They are so cute.