I was going to ask you to go visit Quilting Gallery and
Vote for Me - but wow - there are some awesome quilts entered in their
Falling Leaves Quilt Contest. Especially the Large Project category which has my quilt in it - Turkey Days (Almost to the bottom of the large project category).

So I guess instead I"ll need to just tell you to go over and pic one and
18 comments from wonderful readers:
I love your prim turkeys!! I will have to see all the quilts honestly I put one in too.. it was just to fun to pass up.. lots of luck on the votes cause your turkies are adorable!!
Love everything about this quilt.First time I have seen this pattern.
I love your quilt! Is it your own pattern or a published pattern? I'd love to make one!
I just went and voted for your quilt. I love the chickens!!
I hopped on over to vote for you...you are in second place...
Hey Dawn, your Big Bird is lookin' fine! I love it, very festive but also fun.
And three cheers for those adorable things you are making and stuffing from crumbs! I especially like the pig *VBS* Hugs, Finn
Love it! You've got my vote *s8
Love those turkeys. You did a great job on that quilt. I would love to make one!
You've got my vote!
I love those turkeys!!! Cute!
I've been a lurker on your blog for a while. I voted for your turkey quilt :-)
I have one entered in the small category "Welcome Autumn".
Good luck!
Awesome turkeys!
I love your prim turkeys, I going over to vote for you. This is a awesome funky quilt.
I love your turkey quilt, and I did go on over and vote for you. Where did you get that great pattern? Love it!
Love those turkeys. You definitely have my vote.
What a great quilt. It looks like a country threads pattern. Love the look and the fabrics...wow
Dawn, love the Turkey quilt, thanking you now because I'm posting it on our homepage for Thanksgiving. Have a wonderful holiday. Nancy
I voted for you just right now.
You have made a very beautifull quilt.
Good luck.
Greetings from a rainy Holland.
I've always loved your turkey quilt!! I'll vote if it's still open!
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