Saturday, November 22, 2008

Quilting Gallery Fall Quilt Vote is Now

I was going to ask you to go visit Quilting Gallery and Vote for Me - but wow - there are some awesome quilts entered in their Falling Leaves Quilt Contest. Especially the Large Project category which has my quilt in it - Turkey Days (Almost to the bottom of the large project category).

Vote for me at the Falling Leaves Quilt Show Photo Contest

So I guess instead I"ll need to just tell you to go over and pic one and vote!

18 comments from wonderful readers:

Deb said... 1

I love your prim turkeys!! I will have to see all the quilts honestly I put one in too.. it was just to fun to pass up.. lots of luck on the votes cause your turkies are adorable!!

whitey said... 2

Love everything about this quilt.First time I have seen this pattern.

PiecefulChaos said... 3

I love your quilt! Is it your own pattern or a published pattern? I'd love to make one!

Mama Spark said... 4

I just went and voted for your quilt. I love the chickens!!

Quilter Kathy said... 5

I hopped on over to vote for are in second place...

Finn said... 6

Hey Dawn, your Big Bird is lookin' fine! I love it, very festive but also fun.
And three cheers for those adorable things you are making and stuffing from crumbs! I especially like the pig *VBS* Hugs, Finn

Libby said... 7

Love it! You've got my vote *s8

Susie said... 8

Love those turkeys. You did a great job on that quilt. I would love to make one!

Anonymous said... 9

You've got my vote!
I love those turkeys!!! Cute!

Jessica White said... 10

I've been a lurker on your blog for a while. I voted for your turkey quilt :-)

I have one entered in the small category "Welcome Autumn".

Good luck!

Karen said... 11

Awesome turkeys!

Wendy said... 12

I love your prim turkeys, I going over to vote for you. This is a awesome funky quilt.

Anonymous said... 13

I love your turkey quilt, and I did go on over and vote for you. Where did you get that great pattern? Love it!


Colleen formerly of South Africa said... 14

Love those turkeys. You definitely have my vote.

Material Mary said... 15

What a great quilt. It looks like a country threads pattern. Love the look and the

Nancy in MT said... 16

Dawn, love the Turkey quilt, thanking you now because I'm posting it on our homepage for Thanksgiving. Have a wonderful holiday. Nancy

Jans said... 17

I voted for you just right now.
You have made a very beautifull quilt.
Good luck.
Greetings from a rainy Holland.

Judy said... 18

I've always loved your turkey quilt!! I'll vote if it's still open!