Saturday, April 10, 2010

Paducah Gifts are Done!

I've been working on my Paducah roommate gifts the last 2 weeks. I'm SO HAPPY to say they are finally done! They really aren't hard, just putzy when I've been busy. They could be better, but for what little time I've had not bad. I"m hoping my friends like them.

I used the pattern by This & That - Nifty Notes.

And I've also been working on this wool wall hanging. It isn't done yet, but I"ll leave the rest a surprise. I finished sewing down the leaves tonight.

I also wanted to share this with you. OK, I might be the last one to know about this, but in case I'm not I wanted to let you know too. The International Quilt Study Center has lectures recorded for download free via iTunes. A lot of them even have the visual with it, not just the audio. I"ve been watching them on my computer. What a treat!

My favorite one was "A Life in Extraordinary Stitches" which is about Grace Snyder and her quilts. I read a book about her called "No Time on my Hands" years ago. It was such a great book. When you think about all the inventions and things that this lady saw, on top of the gorgeous quilts she made, it makes your head spin. If you haven't read this book you have to read it.

12 comments from wonderful readers:

Karen said... 1

The wool wall hanging caught my eye!

Barb said... 2

They will totally love your gift!!

Quilter Kathy said... 3

How many roommates do you have!?!?
I didn't know you had to make gifts for them!! I went last year and was not aware of this protocol :)

Vivian said... 4

Cute gifts! You have lucky roommates.
Thanks for the info about the iTunes and the book about Grace Snyder. Both sound like something I need to check out.

antique quilter said... 5

oh Dawn you've done it again, they look wonderful and if any of them don't like it give them my address I would love it!

cute wall hanging can't wait to see it finished.

Sue said... 6

Lucky room mates,
I am traveling to Paducah from the UK for the show. Hope you enjoy it.

julieQ said... 7

What wonderful gifts...they will love them!

YankeeQuilter said... 8

Those are adorable...I will be at Paducha this year for the first time! I'll keep my eyes out for you!

Deb said... 9

I think that your roommates will love receiving those gifts! Hope you have a wonderful time at Paducah!

Anonymous said... 10

Thank you for the info about the lectures - I didn't know about you weren't the last! :)

Thimbleanna said... 11

Those little note holders are adorable. And thanks for the lecture tip -- you weren't the last to know 'cause I didn't know either!


Jan said... 12

And I am not going again this year. Phooy! Those are wonderful gifts. Everyone will be excited. You have been one busy girl. Really like that wall hanging - Neat. Have a good time in that is not possible.