Hope everyone has a wonderful New Years! I"m looking forward to more quiet time watching movies, playing games and SEWING!

And santa isn't having any fun either. Our 4 kids all had one item that they each really wanted. Something expensive - so since they are older and are beyond toys, and the girls like to shop for clothes and stuff on their own now, we told them they could each get their 1 thing, but then that was all for xmas. And they were all things they needed earlier so they have them already! So now there is no santa fun! I think mom is having a harder time than they are about it!
Then my teenage son who "knows everything" and in general hates us all, refused to come home from college for Christmas. He wanted to stay at school and sit around and play video games and didn't want to deal with us. So I"m having my first "no child Christmas" blues, especially since it isn't that he can't come home - he just doesn't want to come home. It breaks my heart and I kept hoping he would, but Holly (my oldest he lives with at school in an apartment) couldn't get him to come. So I'm just a bit blue there.
Yes this is all leading somewhere! So anyway last night was my small sewing group. I was just kind of tired and bummed, but thought maybe a night of laughs would do me good. And I just knew they all had presents for each other - but I just didn't have time or the energy to do anything yet, so I kind of didn't want to go! Well I went and what would we all do without friends! I came home feeling a bit relaxed and having some good laughs, good food and lovely presents. I guess presents can always brighten a day! So eventually I'll get my presents for them made, and I'll survive the holiday - but for now...
Thank you for being a Friend!
The top picture is a bag my friend Nan made for each of us. It is made with strips of fabric and sewn this really fun funky way to make it twist. Of course we had to spend some time using scrap fabrics and having her show us how to do it! :) And then below that is what she had inside for each us! Talk about fun! Oh and there was some coffee in there also, but that is already out!
Then my good friend and "kid supporter" (she has grown sons so she is always there for a hug - been there, done that type of thing) gave us each a piece of this awesome hand dyed fabric from Alaska and these AWESOME jars! Her husband loves doing woodworking so she had him make these for us! He found and used an old branch in their backyard and took the bark off and finished it and then hand turned the jar and knob and made this little "jar" out of it - now is that now cool or what! I teased her what was even better was she got her husband to make her gifts! Like Mark would ever do that!
Barb gave us each these cute little VERY LITTLE pieced stars from Thailand. They are courtship baubles. On New Years the single girls twirl these around their finger and let them fly into the crowd of young men. The lucky young man who catches it may ask permission from her parents to "court" her. I think I have that right - I was so tired last night when I read it!
And last by not LEAST by any means was my small quilt from Julie! I've been drooling over this quilt since she made it! Unfortunately I was tired and couldn't get good light or a still hand to get a good picture for you. So it is stuck down here at the bottom. I promise I will take a better picture for you. Anyway, Julie has been practicing all kinds of fancy and small quilting on her machine. She has been making all these little quilts for practice. You should see them! And she has played with fabric types and different threads. Well this one is a dark true black with these cool curving lines on the outside and then a feather in the middle with the little pebble like circles around it and then micro-stippling around that in black. And the quilting is done in this gorgeous jewel toned varigated thread! I usually do not like varigated thread at all - but on here oh my gosh it is gorgeous! And then the bobbin thread is this gorgeous, gorgeous green - and you know how I like green! I teased Julie that I like the back as much as the front! So I promise I will get a better picture of this to share.
And tomorrow I will share picture of that dreaded hiding block!
I also made a couple purses for xmas gifts. I"m glad to get those done!
And last but not least is a picture of my little mug rug I got for a gift from my friend. Isn't it adorable!
Thats about all as being sick and now catching up hasn't left me with a lot of time to do too much! Just know I"m popping in quickly now and then to your blogs, but haven't taken the time to leave any comments.
Last night I felt a tad better and found the perfect project to work on. I got my next installment of my house BOM, and so I sewed that together. Since this kit comes with all the pieces cut out to size all I have to do is sew! Now that was perfect since I really didn't want to cut and fuss! Here is months 1-5 together and a larger pic of month 5 I did last night.
So what do you do on a snowy day. Well this mini quilt was a long time in the thought process. First my friend Kathie made this small strippy repro quilt. I loved it, and thought - someday I need to make one like that.
Well then a few weeks ago when I went to Green Bay I found this awesome orange fabric in the repro section - my second thought - That is perfect for my small strippy! Bought it of course. Well today I just decided go for it. But instead of messing with a small one I decided to make a mini one for Lucy since she sent me her beautiful green one she made. Now mine did not take anywhere near the perfection of Lucy's, but it is darn cute! Now I have to make one for me!
But I did manage things to share with you. The above quilt was made by my friend who lives in Australia 2 years ago for me for Christmas as a surprise. Isn't it lovely! I have it hanging up, even though it is a bit longer than my quilt rod, I still have to have it up. It is so whimsical! But of course when it is really hanging it hangs behind the couch!
And I finally finished my Gwen Marston wall hanging. It is bound and washed to get all the white thread out from the trapunto. It is rainy here today so I couldn't not get a good picture of the trapunto. I may try again in Holly's room under her big light. But isn't it awesome. If only you could see the trapunto and micro stippling. This one is my masterpiece!
A lot of you are really wondering what in the world that blue tape on my quilt is doing there! Patti thought maybe it was holding pieces together! Well you see I have this sweet little stinker dog. The only thing she chews on and likes in our house is my quilt stuff! Good taste huh! So I couldn't leave the pieces laying out, so I numbered them with the tape so I could pick them up! Above is a picture of Chloe with her favorite glow-in-dark ball and the bean bag chair she stole from my husband!
So here are 2 more pics of the Horse Featherers quilt. I got the corner blocks on and the ceneter sewn. Last night I took the time to put the thin light border around it! I already have the pieces borders sewn (did that on retreat) so tonight I"ll get those on and this one will be done! Well ok, the top will be done!