Friday, April 07, 2006

What is it about quilts?

What is it about quilts that they speak to me so much? I came home tonight after leaving at 8:30 this morning, fighting hundreds and hundreds of people to move an inch, carried heavy bags miles and miles and just those few (ok maybe more than a few) minutes looking at the quilts made me sooooo happy!
I went to the Chicago Quilt Show today and had such a fun day! I went with friends and ran into tons of other friends. The vendor area was packed. I"ve never seen it so packed. But they had some new quilt vendors this year that were just awesome! And things were much more quilt related than in previous years. And man oh man - was folk art/prim, dusty muted colors and reproduction hot this year! I was in Heaven! Just my thing! Of course it was not good for my pocket book.
And normally the quilts are very artsy and modern. I can enjoy them, but some I just don't get, while others are down right ugly. I miss traditional quilts, and beautiful quilting. Well this year they had an awesome mixture of both! Not that the number of quilts even comes close to Paducah. But they had some gorgeous traditional quilts! Wait till I have time to get all the picutres uploaded for you! I took about 180 pictures!
The quilt I"m showing here was actually in the YLI booth - and yes I asked permission before I took the pictures. Isn't the background quilting just awesome! What a simple easy thing that turns out stunning and gives the piece such texture! And her hair is made out of the King Tut thread and braided also!

Then I accidently got this picture in the no picture section. No not on purpose. The sign was not hung up like in the other areas and it was next to the Amish quilts - so I took it before I read the little write-up which said in small words - no pictures. But I have to share it because I took this picture because it made me think of Tonya and all her Halloween quilts! Isn't that witch just scarey!
Oh and Darcie - Did they have the fibers and embellishments this year. Oh I saw all these funky "fibers" and thought of you. Sorry, I just couldn't bring myself to buy any and try them. But I did think of you. And Sharon - there were some small quilts in the Small Wonders (I think that was the name) exhibit that had a few quilts that made me think of Wabi-Sabi! I took pictures of those so I"ll be sharing those over the next few days with you.

For me tonight - I'm dead tired and ready to shut the computer down for the night. So check back in the days to come for more pics of the show!

7 comments from wonderful readers:

Tonya Ricucci said... 1

Oh, I wish I could have been there with you. What a blast. I was marvelling at the background quilting on the Egyptian quilt before you even mentioned it. Yes, love the scary witch and the face on that tree. Eeeeeek.

Darcie said... 2

Oh my! If this is just a start of what is yet to come...I can hardly wait, Dawn!!! Get over here and start posting!!! LOL

LOVE the background quilting. WOW!

Is that a Hansel and Gretel quilt, do you think? Freaky witchy thing...yikes! (Resembles me when I take time to mask!) LOL

I'm so glad you thought of me!!! Did I *nearly* influence you???

Thanks for sharing...can't wait for more!

Quiltgranny said... 3

Wake up! Wake up! Come out and play! I wanna see some more pictures! I almost went to the show this year, but I thought it would not be prudent of me to have gone to CA, and arranged to go to Beave Island, THEN ask about going up to Chicago.

Maybe next year!

But come on and post some more pictures - I love the quilting on the YLI quilt!

Finn said... 4

Great quilts Dawn, thanks for sharing..*VBS* I wouldn't have liked the crowds, but I would have loved the quilts!!

Lucy said... 5

OOOhh wowow . The first sunburst is the same pattern as my newyork beauty I guess. I love this version so much !! And the nine patch is georgous.

The Calico Cat said... 6

Can I quote you?

Lily Mulholland said... 7

That background quilting on the Egyptian quilt is incredible. Like you said, it gives it such incredible texture. I love the hair too. Some people are so clever!!!

Dawn it sounds like you had a great time :)

Bring on Paducah!!