Friday, July 07, 2006

Lucy's Feathered Stars

I had such a good laugh (sorry Lucy) at Lucy's Bra-Star! Here I thought everything she sewed was always perfect! And I"ve been so frazzled and busy lately it was just good to see a funny boo-boo!
Her feathered stars made me think about a few feathered stars I've made over the years. I think the Feathered Star has got to be my favorite block. I"ve always wanted a fancy multi-feathered star quilt, but I"ve just never taken the time to do it.

I have however made 4 feathered star block quilts. The one at the top was for my sister for her entryway of her house. She picked out the colors and fabrics. That one I did get completely finished! The third picture was actually my quilt I made first before I made my sister's! But as you can see I still need to quilt it. It is one I love so much I"m afraid to touch it! Now isn't that just too silly!

The other two were much smaller and were identical. They were feathered stars with a cardinal appliqued in the center. I made those years and years and years ago. And can you believe it, I can't find a picture right now - I know I have one. Anyway, one went to my Aunt (my godmother) who LOVEs cardinal's and the other one went to my mom and she has it hanging on the wall in her entryway. So everytime I go visit I get to see it. They turned out really lovely and it was the first applique I ever did. Maybe I"ll make my sister go take a picture tomorrow and email it to me - that might be easier than trying to find mine!

Its late and I"m tired. Adam and Jenna both decided to hit the midnight showing of Pirates last night, so being a mom, I worried until 3am when they got home. And of course they wouldn't be caught dead in the same theater, so they both went separately to different towns! But they both got home within 10 mins of each other so at least I know they weren't off goofing around somewhere. But so much for sleep! I"m off to bed! I hope I can do some catch up this weekend - I"m missing you all so much!

13 comments from wonderful readers:

Patti said... 1

That is just like me! I never could go to sleep until the kids were safely home - no matter how late it was. Even when they were in college and in their 20's! They thought it was silly, but I couldn't help it. I told them they stopped being kids but I never stopped being a mom.

Melanie said... 2

We trade off, I get them up early and Don is the one that stays up late. Doing without sleep is tough. I hope you atleast got some quilting in.

Finn said... 3

Absolutely gorgeous Dawn, I must confess I've never made a feathered star..don't know that I want to start now with limited vision...but maybe?? *VBG*

You constantly amaze me with how much you get done in quilting, work and have teenagers..truly amazing!!

quiltpixie said... 4

Its an awful worry when they're old enough to be out on thier own, but young enough that you know they could run into real problems... My son is 15 and I hate those late nights of waiting, but know they're just part of the territory...

The Calico Cat said... 5

pretty quilts! (I feel the same way once I get a top that I LOVE! So I send them out to a professional for quilting!)

dot said... 6

Beautiful quilts. I like this block and am very tempted to try. I don't know if I have the patience. I want things done to quickly. I know what you mean about the quilting. I have a top that needs to be quilted, 2 yrs now, but I don't feel like I am good enough yet. Maybe sometime before Christmas.

Cher said... 7

fantastic feathered star quilts! hope you caught some extra sleep this weekend-

ForestJane said... 8

Beautiful quilts! I like the look of the blocks too but would tire of all those points ... ;)

Darcie said... 9

Gorgeous Feathered Stars, Dawn! You have my permission to just work your magic on that UFO! You can!!!

My two daughters are quite into the POTC. I took them to see it yesterday...and I went also. This one probably would have made a lot more sense...if only I would have stuck with the first one when they made me try to sit and watch the DVD with them!!! I guess a Mom should listen to her kids once in awhile!

Tonya Ricucci said... 10

Beautiful work - I esp love that unfinished one of yours. Gorgeous.


Lucy said... 11

Wow!! I lve to see your feathered Stars ! . You did a great job with them. No bra's :-))))

Linda C. said... 12

All look great, Dawn. Remember, that's not a UFO . . . it's one from your quilt top collection.

Judy said... 13

Excellent job on all the feathered stars!!