Tuesday, June 03, 2008

MMMMMMmmmmm & You can't just work on 1!

Doesn't this look yummy! My sister made this a few weekends ago when I went out to Delaware to visit. I had to make some for home! It turned out sooooo good. My husband says it is too hot (spicy hot, not temp). I put in less cayenne pepper than my sister does - she says he is a wimp! Well I'm loving it! All I could think of was Libby and all her fresh produce coming in. She will need to whip something like this up. Today for something different I added some cold cooked shrimp to it - oh that was yummy! The recipe came from Taste of Home and it is called Southwestern Rice Salad.

No you just can't work on 1 project at a time. Nope, no way. So even though I have stuff to do on Orange Crush, I have to play! I did get one finish! Above is my latest baby quilt for my husband's cousins newest grandson! (Well actually it is his first grandson!). Little Nathan is getting a monkey quilt! I even went out and got a cute little stuffed monkey to give with it. No I did not make a sock monkey to go with it - I just don't have that much time! (and I don't know how!)

Here are closeups of the fabric and backing. Aren't those monkey just so fun!

And one more project I just had to start. Holly picked out this fabric and the pattern for me to make a quilt for her friend at school who is getting a new apartment. This isn't the pattern - I"m going to keep you in suspense a bit more, but I"m loving how it looks!

18 comments from wonderful readers:

Libby said... 1

Yummmmmm - that sounds delish! It will definitely make an appearance for dinner soon *s*

Darcie said... 2

Mmmm...how dare you show something so delicious looking when I should be working instead of being online, drooling! I can taste it from here!

Love the works in progress...great progress, as a matter of fact. Those monkeys are just adorable. And Holly's friend is going to be pretty lucky. I even love how the in-progress stage looks! Very mod!

Jen said... 3

OMG, your monkey quilt is adorable!!! I've been wondering what to do with monkey fabric; a yellow brick road sure shows the goofy monkeys off well.

Jan said... 4

YUMMMM! Will have to try that. Love rice but my diabeties doesn't. OK...the monkey quilt is cute (still don't like those things)and sure the little boy will love it.

Jeanne said... 5

Mmmmm, that salad is going to be coming up on the menu here later this week!
Jeanne :)

Vicki W said... 6

I love the monkey quilt! I have one planned for a friend. The baby isn't due until August so I have a little time.

Elaine Adair said... 7

I LOVE those browns, tans and turquoises! Pretty.

Sue said... 8

Oooooh, that sock monkey quilt is cute! I just heard today that one of my 'other daughters' is pregnant so seeing this is great timing.

Gina said... 9

That salad looks great but I'm a wimp like your hubby as I don't like things too hot.

I love the quilt, just right for a little boy.

love and hugs xxx

meggie said... 10

Just love rice!
LOve your quilting there, lovely baby quilt. I admire those Sock Monkeys too, but can't make them myself.

Unknown said... 11

Your monkey quilt is great - such fun for a new baby but I have to say I love the fabric combinations in the bottom picture - can't wait to see how it turns out

Laura said... 12

The rice salad does look excellent, makes me hungry. And I love the baby quilt. I have always liked that monkey fabric.

Chocolate Cat said... 13

Love this monkey quilt! I've got some of these fabrics and am hoping to pull together a small lap quilt next week for my goddaughter's 2nd birthday! Don't think it will be this nice!

Wendy said... 14

Oh the dish looks delicious...yum.
You busy girl you...LOL. Love the monkey quilt and Nathan will too.

Unknown said... 15

You are a teaser! The monkeys do look cute.

Finn said... 16

Hi Dawn, the salad looks yummy, think I'll have to try that one for sure!
Quilts look great too! You're one busy lady! Stay safe down there in Ill. Hugs, Finn

*karendianne. said... 17

Oh lots of fun things going on here at Quilts and Pieces. Its nice to see all that - this way I don't feel so psychotic with all my little projects going... ;)

By the way, the border really WORKS on the Monkey quilt!


Carol E. said... 18

Cute, cute, cute quilt and one in progress! Thanks for the salad recipe, too. mmmmmm