Sunday, March 21, 2010

The end of the weekend is here

Yup, it is the end of the weekend, so this is about all you will see until next weekend. Sometimes I find time to finish a few things during the week, but lately that is the exception instead of the rule. Above 3 more Brownstone blocks!

And 2 more Dear Jane's.

Click HERE to see my dear jane so far.
Click HERE to see my friend Joan's dear jane so far.

10 comments from wonderful readers:

Carol said... 1

Dawn all your blocks are wonderful!

*karendianne. said... 2

That fabric combo in your first finished DJ is luscious and perfect over coffee. I really like the way you've framed up the 2nd DJ. Nicely pieced. Pretty. You're really good and putting fabrics together. AND I LOVE THE BROWNSTONE blocks so there's nothing more to say about that. Wait. I'd like to have me some. Yeah. That's it. hee!

Angela said... 3

I really enjoy watching your DJ progress! Great job!

LiahonaGirl said... 4

Your DJ blocks are fabulous. Love the fabrics.

Lori said... 5

I generally don't get much quilting done on the weekends.
Lovely DJ blocks and I love the brownstone blocks! Simple but such a great pattern!!

Libby said... 6

Love those blocks.

Isn't it wonderful about quilting . . . . fabric will always wait patiently until we have the time *S*

Red Geranium Cottage said... 7

Nice job Dawn. Both quilts are going to be so nice. Weekends go too fast don't they?

deb said... 8

what great blocks!!!!

Taryn said... 9

Doesn't work get in the way of quilting? I am with you on your weekend quilt!

Gypsy Quilter said... 10

You're just zipping along. Can't wait to see it assembled.