Monday, March 05, 2007

The red has it

Well since so many of you liked the red and I liked the red (among others) AND I LOVED the red fabric itself I put on the red border. No I didnt' get it quilted this weekend - but I did sew the borders on! Wooo Hooo - like that took a long time!

And from my scraps of my miniature I made a little 9-patch quilt! I have a fork next to it for size! It is so darn cute I may just make another one like this!

And here is a version of this challenge from my friend Nann. She decided to use homespuns and made the blocks full size - isn't it wonderful! The blocks finish to 13" I think she said - a whole lot bigger than my 3-3/4"!

18 comments from wonderful readers:

His Office, My Studio said... 1

WOW Great Quilts! You both did a outstanding. I love miniature quilts.

Carol said... 2

It is just Wonderful!!!!!!!!!!1 And the little nine patch couldn't be cuter!

Elaine Adair said... 3

I cannot believe that adorable little 9-patch! Hey, you're not going to use much stash on that project!

Carolyn said... 4

Dawn, these are just too cute! Great fabrics, excellent piecing...I'm in awe!

Cher said... 5

I can not believe how tiny you made that quilt Dawn! it's amazing. love Nann's as 13 inches I could handle :-)

Nicole & Phil said... 6

WOW...amazing. I admire your patience! Well done! I am enjoying reading your blog!

Tazzie said... 7

Just gorgeous! I love your teeny tiny quilts! Ohhh, and btw, I would have voted for the red fabric too!

Libby said... 8

I am just in awe *s* Glad you picked the red -- and then a bonus quilt from the scraps. Honestly, scraps from such a tiny quilt!

Darcie said... 9

You absolutely NEED to enter these itty bitty quilts into a show! They are outstanding!

Zegi said... 10

Love the red border. And the fork-sized quilt...adorable!

McIrish Annie said... 11

Dawn your mini is adorable. and i don't see any missing points!! great work. I don't have the patience for the super small stuff. this one is a beauty!

meggie said... 12

Is your tiny quilt hand pieced? I just cant believe you have patience for something that small.
Nann's more my size!
They are all lovely.

KC Quilter said... 13

Oh, darn it, now I want to make some more doll quilts!!! Yours and your friend's are just fantastic!

Sweet P said... 14

How do you make such incredible teeny, tiny quilts? They are stupendous!

SuBee said... 15

Just awesome -- incredible. I just love it.....speechless

Unknown said... 16

OK I give in :o) you were right the red is perfect (LOL) - looks awesome!

Love that teeny little nine patch with the fork - mind blowingly small

Helen said... 17

Yep, the red looks great and the 9 patch?? Well, I'm speechless. Those squares must be soooo tiny!

Lucy said... 18

Isn't it fun to make such a mini!! I LOVE your ninepatches !