Saturday, December 01, 2007

15 blocks done for Follow the Drinking Gourd

Here it is - 15 blocks done! I"m not sure how many I want to do yet. But I"m pretty much through my stash for variety of fabrics, so I may just wait now until after Christmas and pick up some FQs when I got to sew end of January with Laura and Linda. I have plenty to keep me busy until then anyway!

29 comments from wonderful readers:

Jan said... 1

Love it!!

antique quilter said... 2

Dawn just love this!
love the colors...oh boy may just have to add another quilt to my list to make. !

Judy said... 3

Every time you make something new I have to shove another thing into my list of cool things to do! Stop it! *G*

Blues and cheddars aren't in my stash, but others would work too for this!???!!

Jeanne said... 4

Oh, this is going to be a beauty!

atet said... 5

It is going to be just beautiful -- but, don't you have Christmas sewing to do? Or am I the only one who waits 'til the last minute?

julieQ said... 6

Lovely work!! I sure like that block and the secondary pattern it forms when put together. Your color choices are great, too.


Libby said... 7

You're killin' me *s* I just want to sit in a corner and do everything you do.

Unknown said... 8

The first blocks look great. An excuse to buy more fabrics? Good idea! Take care.

Alison said... 9

That is beautiful. I love the blue background on it! Hi. I'm visiting for the first time.

KC Quilter said... 10

Aw, c'mon. Now I want to make this too!!!!! So, so pretty.

Helen in the UK said... 11

Love your quilt blocks and the way the lights make the diagonals. Hope you made more for a bigger quilt :)

Unknown said... 12

Brilliant! the offer's still on for some dark blues if you want some

Anne-Mettes Oaser said... 13

Dawn, the blocks look great. It really is dangerous to visit blogs - I often find projects I would like to sew ;-). Wish you a nice sunday and thank you for visiting my blog. I am looking very much forward to see my RR.
Hugs Anne-Mette

Teodo said... 14

Wonderful your blocks

and very nice you and your friends Elf.

ciao ciao

Darlene said... 15

Love it!

Nann said... 16

Those blocks look mighty familiar! I have 17 of the 8" version done. The big quilt (12" blocks) needs one more border strip!

I'll have some blues and butternuts for you on Wednesday.

Anonymous said... 17

Your blog is so gorgeous and has so much good information, too. You've been tagged to do a meme. See:

Red Geranium Cottage said... 18

That is one beautiful quilt you are doing there. I love it!!! What pattern is it Dawn? That is really cool.

ForestJane said... 19

Very nice! I think I like the brown and peach-ish looking one on the left side, third down. :)

meggie said... 20

Wow, looking great.

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said... 21

That looks fabulous, i love the secondary patterns, makes it look like a tiled floor.
Too clever with the elves! Tracey

Andrea said... 22

Wonderful blocks ! You could really have some fun with the layout of these ! Will you sash or not ?

YankeeQuilter said... 23

Love the colors! Can't wait to see how this one finishes up!

Unknown said... 24

This is going to be great, I do like the blue colors.

Laura said... 25

Dawn these are looking so good. I love how it is coming together.

Rose Marie said... 26

Yumm ..... loving this quilt a lot! Great colours and pattern.

Beertje Zonn said... 27

Kind regards,

Sonnja, from the Netherlands

Patti said... 28

These blocks are looking spectacular. This is one I'd really like to do - and I know i have lots and lots of fabric that would work for it. I always loved that song!

Lea said... 29

Dawn, I can't take my eyes off from your gorgeous quilts!!!
I love these blocks! Gosh, Now You make me want to get this pattern! *LOL* Is this pattern from Barbara Brackman's "Facts and Fabrications" book?