Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hannah Lou's Hearts

8 comments from wonderful readers:

antique quilter said... 1

great block, fabrics,
your really tempting me to start this quilt over again scrappy!

Anonymous said... 2

Fantastic "chubby" hearts..lots of work with this quilt but well worth it in the end I'm sure!!

*karendianne. said... 3

Woooowwwww! That's amazing.

愛的一且ˋ said... 4
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Gypsy Quilter said... 5


Wendy said... 6

I love the hearts, prefect since valentines is coming up.

Karen said... 7

I like the way the hearts all put together form another design within.

Karen said... 8

Funny, I just made this block last week. I love the fabric you selected.