Saturday, February 06, 2010

Playing on the Computer

I"ve been playing on the computer! Click on my Dear Jane quilt picture on my Progress List and see what you get!

Then click on the Civil War Diary Quilt picture on my Progress List and see what you get! (I've got a lot more to add to this one, just haven't scanned the blocks yet!)

11 comments from wonderful readers:

Thimbleanna said... 1

Oooh, cool! I love what you get when you click on Dear Jane!

Mary L. said... 2

Very cool indeed. Wish I were smart enough to know how to set them up.

Vivian said... 3

You're a computer wizard, and you've set great quilting goals for yourself with these 2 lovely quilts. Well done!

antique quilter said... 4

oh Dawn your right I need to do this too!
what fun to see the blocks and how many you have done.

Carol said... 5

What a smart girl you are...that is just awesome. What a great way to see how the blocks are going to look. Love it!

Pieced Pastimes said... 6

This is really great! How nice to see your progress on these gorgeous quilts.

Karen said... 7

How did you do that?

Diane Quilts said... 8

I started a Dear Jane a couple years ago, and have 8 blocks done (I think). Some of the pieces are so small that it seems like it would be easier to hand piece them. Are you hand piecing or machine piecing yours? They are awesome blocks. I'm getting the urge to pick up again where I left off.

Ruth said... 9

That is so neat! I love your civil war diary blocks. I would love to make the Dear Jane quilt some day too, but it will have to be in the future sometime.

Libby said... 10

Pretty spiffy!

Holly @ Hello Audrey Ruth said... 11

Someone has had a lot of time on her hands :P