And the fabrics are antique fabrics of the "bows" the ladies used to wear on the top front of their dresses. Lucy explained this better than I can -
We have more places here where woman still wwear the costumes.. But they are not so colorfull as marken.
The fabrics you get we call here a Bow. It is the piece on the breast from the ladys. They pin it on their shirt! and they change it everyday. I lady told me once that she remmebered when she was little ( she was now 82) That on friday a man with a wagon came on 11 o clock .. it was coffeetime and the woman where done with their hosuekeeping. so the man came with a wagon full with fabrics!! The woman choose the most beautifull for their "Bow"!
Isn't that fun!

Lucy sent me this information also -
Marken is my favourite place from the Netherlands. it is a island , a old fishermans village. The houses are typical from there and so also there clothes. The people lives for years in a close community!
here a impression from the island.
Thank you so much Lucy!!!!!!!
And I had hoped to share a picture of my finished purse today with the fun button, but can you believe I could not find my jar of fun buttons last night! ughhh. So I have to rack my brain today where I could have put it.
6 comments from wonderful readers:
Wow! How nice! And what fun to see it all lined up on your blog, too! (Love the purse from the previous post as well!_)
What a delightful package. The story of the dolls and the ribbons to go with it makes it even more fun and the little quilt -- oh, how sweet.
It is good to see my mini in your house Dawn! I am happy with your friendship.
Lucky Dawn to have Lucy's little quilt. Beautiful presents.
Gorgeous little quilt, a good challenge that doesn't use the whole stash. Love the bag, I am a huge bag making girl, I'll have to post a few shots next time I thinl of it. Bye T. Glad you like the star!
Wow, great fabrics. What a sweetie that Lucy is.
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