Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Lucy - Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

Lucy thought she should send a thank you for the books I sent her - silly girl! I've only been promising those books to her now for almost a year and finally got them sent off. Anyway, I got this WONDERFUL package in the mail from her Monday. I am in heaven!

The little dolls are so adorable! My pictures are bad, it was late so I had bad lighting and took them fast. Anyway, these are typical little dolls that children would play with about 100 years ago. Today the older ladies make them out of 100 yr old fabrics to sell at the museum in Marken. Aren't they just adorable! They are little, guess I didn't get a good guage of size. The big one is maybe about 4" long.

And the fabrics are antique fabrics of the "bows" the ladies used to wear on the top front of their dresses. Lucy explained this better than I can -
We have more places here where woman still wwear the costumes.. But they are not so colorfull as marken.
The fabrics you get we call here a Bow. It is the piece on the breast from the ladys. They pin it on their shirt! and they change it everyday. I lady told me once that she remmebered when she was little ( she was now 82) That on friday a man with a wagon came on 11 o clock .. it was coffeetime and the woman where done with their hosuekeeping. so the man came with a wagon full with fabrics!! The woman choose the most beautifull for their "Bow"!
Isn't that fun!

And last but sure not least - look what made it to my house! Her mini quilt! I loved it so much when I saw it on her blog! But I want to cry when I think she sent it to me and now she doesn't have it! You would not believe how tiny those 4 patches are! The 4-patch is smaller than a thimble! It is amazing!

Lucy sent me this information also -
Marken is my favourite place from the Netherlands. it is a island , a old fishermans village. The houses are typical from there and so also there clothes. The people lives for years in a close community!
here a impression from the island.

Thank you so much Lucy!!!!!!!

And I had hoped to share a picture of my finished purse today with the fun button, but can you believe I could not find my jar of fun buttons last night! ughhh. So I have to rack my brain today where I could have put it.

6 comments from wonderful readers:

Quiltgranny said... 1

Wow! How nice! And what fun to see it all lined up on your blog, too! (Love the purse from the previous post as well!_)

Libby said... 2

What a delightful package. The story of the dolls and the ribbons to go with it makes it even more fun and the little quilt -- oh, how sweet.

Lucy said... 3

It is good to see my mini in your house Dawn! I am happy with your friendship.

Jenni said... 4

Lucky Dawn to have Lucy's little quilt. Beautiful presents.

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said... 5

Gorgeous little quilt, a good challenge that doesn't use the whole stash. Love the bag, I am a huge bag making girl, I'll have to post a few shots next time I thinl of it. Bye T. Glad you like the star!

Tonya Ricucci said... 6

Wow, great fabrics. What a sweetie that Lucy is.