Saturday, September 10, 2005

2 Bargello Panels Done!

OK, have 2 bargello panels done! I"m not going to make the ups and downs even - it is really fun to play with! And I made my black and white pieces to make 4 patches as leaders and enders and can you believe I keep forgetting to put them in! I keep using my little piece of leftover binding! Geez! Back to sewing!

2 comments from wonderful readers:

Finn said... 1

Looks really good many strips long did you make it?

I recently finished piecing #4. I utility quilted the first 3, not sure about this one. It's for grandson #9, and he just turned 2.

Quilts And Pieces said... 2

Thanks Finn. It is only 2 strips short of what Bonnie had in the instructions I think. I knew it didn't matter and I was out of fabric so I left them off!